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Pandemic’s big mystery: How deadly is Covid-19?



A correct infection fatality rate could tell health officials what to expect

A correct infection fatality rate could tell health officials what to expect as the pandemic spreads to densely populated nations like Brazil, Nigeria and India

More than six months into the pandemic, the coronaviru­s has infected more than 11 million people worldwide, killing more than 525,000. But despite the increasing toll, scientists still do not have a definitive answer to one of the most fundamenta­l questions about the virus: How deadly is it?

A firm estimate could help government­s predict how many deaths would ensue if the virus spread out of control. The figure, usually called the infection fatality rate, could tell health officials what to expect as the pandemic spreads to densely populated nations like Brazil, Nigeria and India.

Hard budget choices

In even poorer countries, where lethal threats like measles and malaria are constant and where hard budget choices are routine, the number could help officials decide whether to spend more on oxygen concentrat­ors or ventilator­s, or on measles shots and mosquito nets.

The question became even more complex last month, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data suggesting that for every documented infection in the United States, there were 10 other cases on average that had gone unrecorded, probably because they were very mild or asymptomat­ic. If there are many more asymptomat­ic infections than once thought, then the virus may be less deadly than it has appeared. But even that calculatio­n is a difficult one.

Last week, after the World Health Organisati­on held a two-day online meeting of 1,300 scientists from around the world, the agency’s chief scientist, Dr. Soumya Swaminatha­n, said the consensus for now was that the IFR is about 0.6 per cent — which means that the risk of death is less than 1 per cent.

Although she did not note this, 0.6 per cent of the world’s population is 47 million people, and 0.6 per cent of the US population is 2 million people. The virus remains a major threat.

At present, countries have very different case fatality rates, or CFRs, which measure deaths among patients known to have had Covid-19. In most cases, that number is highest in countries that have had the virus the longest.

Not predictabl­e

According to data gathered by The New York Times, China had reported 90,294 cases as of Friday and 4,634 deaths, which is a CFR of 5 per cent. The United States was very close to that mark. It has had 2,811,447 cases and 129,403 deaths, about 4.6 per cent.

Those percentage­s are far higher rates than the 2.5 per cent death rate often ascribed to the 1918 flu pandemic. Still, it is difficult to measure fatality rates during pandemics, especially at the beginning. In the chaos that ensues when a new virus hits a city hard, thousands of people may die and be buried without ever being tested, and certainly without them all being autopsied.

It is never entirely clear how many died of the virus and how many died of heart attacks, strokes or other ills. That has happened in both New York City and in Wuhan, China, where the outbreak began. Normally, once the chaos has subsided, more testing is done and more mild cases are found — and because the denominato­r of the fraction rises, fatality rates fall. But the results are not always consistent or predictabl­e.

Differing by country

Ten sizeable countries, most of them in Western Europe, have tested bigger percentage­s of their population­s than has the US, according to Worldomete­r, which gathers statistics. They are Iceland, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Britain, Israel and New Zealand.

But their case fatality rates vary wildly: Iceland’s is less than 1 per cent, New Zealand’s and Israel’s are below 2 per cent. Belgium, by comparison, is at 16 per cent, and Italy and Britain at 14 per cent. Both figures — the infection fatality rate and the case fatality rate — can differ quite a bit by country.

So far, in most countries, about 20 per cent of all confirmed Covid-19 patients become ill enough to need supplement­al oxygen or even more advanced hospital care, said Dr.

Janet Diaz, head of clinical care for the WHO’s emergencie­s programme. Whether those patients survive depends on a host of factors, including age, underlying illnesses and the level of medical care available.

Shortage of oxygen

Death rates are expected to be lower in countries with younger population­s and less obesity, which are often the poorest countries. Conversely, the figures should be higher in countries that lack oxygen

tanks, ventilator­s and dialysis machines, and where many people live far from hospitals. Those are also often the poorest countries.

The WHO and various charities are scrambling to purchase oxygen equipment for poor and middle-income nations in which the coronaviru­s is spreading.

And now, new factors are being introduced into the equation. For example, new evidence that people with Type A blood are more likely to fall deathly ill could change risk calculatio­ns. Type A blood is relatively rare in West Africa and South Asia, and very rare among the Indigenous peoples of South America.

Before past week’s meeting, the WHO had no official IFR estimate, said Oliver Morgan, the agency’s director of health emergency informatio­n. Instead, it had relied on a mix of data sent in by member countries and by academic groups, and on a meta-analysis done in May by scientists at the University of Wollongong and James Cook University in Australia.

Those researcher­s looked at 267 studies in more than a dozen countries, and then chose the 25 they considered the most accurate, weighting them for accuracy and averaged the data. They concluded that the global IFR was 0.64 per cent.

Silent carriers

The CDC’s estimate for the United States is lower: an IFR of 0.4 per cent, according to a set of planning scenarios released in late May. The agency did not respond to requests to explain how it arrived at that figure, or why it was so much lower than the WHO’s estimate. By comparison, 0.4 per cent of the US population is 1.3 million people.

The 25 studies that the Australian researcher­s considered the most accurate relied on very different methodolog­ies. One report, for example, was based on diagnostic PCR tests of all passengers and crew aboard the Diamond Princess, the cruise ship that docked in Japan after it was overcome by the coronaviru­s. Another study drew data from an antibody survey of 38,000 Spaniards, while another included only 1,104 Swedes.

The current WHO estimate is based on later, larger studies of how many people have antibodies in their blood; future studies may further refine the figure, Swaminatha­n said.

But there is “a lot of uncertaint­y” about how many silent and untested carriers there are, Morgan of the WHO said.

Being discipline­d

To arrive at the CDC’s new estimate, researcher­s tested samples from 11,933 people for antibodies to the coronaviru­s in six US regions. New York City reported 53,803 cases by April 1, but the actual number of infections was 12 times higher — nearly 642,000, the agency estimated.

New York City’s prevalence of 7 per cent in the CDC study was well below the 21 per cent estimated in a state survey in April. But that number was based on people recruited at supermarke­ts, and so the results may have been biased toward people out shopping during a pandemic — often the young, who have been less affected.

The global fatality rates could still change. With one or two exceptions, like Iran and Ecuador, the pandemic first struck wealthier countries in Asia, Western Europe and North America where advanced medical care was available.

Now it is spreading widely in India, Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria and other countries where millions are crowded into slums, lockdowns have been relatively brief and hospitals have few resources.

But the death rates may also shift in wealthier northern countries as winter approaches. Most of the spread of the virus in Europe and North America has taken place during mild or warm weather in the spring and summer.

Many experts fear that infections and deaths will shoot up in the fall as colder weather forces people indoors, where they are more likely to infect one another. Discipline about wearing masks and avoiding breathing on one another will be even more important then.

Some countries have taken a fragmented approach in dealing with the new coronaviru­s. These countries face a long, hard road ahead. Although many countries have made progress, globally the pandemic is actually speeding up.”

Dr Tedros Adhanom | Director-General of WHO

The global fatality rates could still change. With one or two exceptions, like Iran and Ecuador, the pandemic first struck wealthier countries in Asia, Western Europe and North America where advanced medical care was available.

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 ?? Reuters ?? Relatives watch as gravedigge­rs bury the coffin of Eriveltu Aparecido Spada at Vila Formosa cemetery, in Sao Paulo.
Reuters Relatives watch as gravedigge­rs bury the coffin of Eriveltu Aparecido Spada at Vila Formosa cemetery, in Sao Paulo.
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