Gulf News

Enmity will never get a Palestinia­n state

The threat of annexation has now been averted by UAE’s peace accord with Israel

- BY LINDA S. HEARD | ■ Linda S. Heard is an award-winning British political columnist and guest television commentato­r with a focus on the Middle East.

Those who have lost their homes, seen their villages erased as though they never existed, witnessed the torching of their orchards and the imprisonme­nt of their children for the ‘crime’ of throwing stones at tanks, are right to feel embittered.

The Palestinia­ns have endured unending loss, humiliatio­n and hardship throughout generation­s. No peoples on earth have been treated so unfairly for so many decades, not only at the hands of the occupying power but also by Western powers and the United Nations that has merely supported Palestinia­n rights on paper.

Those who have lost their homes, seen their villages erased as though they never existed, witnessed the torching of their orchards and the imprisonme­nt of their children for the ‘crime’ of throwing stones at tanks, are right to feel embittered. The world at large may have let them down but never the Arabs.

Arab sympathies have always firmly rested with the dispossess­ed forced to leave their homeland to make way for the birth of a Jewish state. Egypt, Syria and Jordan were at war with Israel in 1967 when Israel launched a surprise air attack while in 1973, Egypt and Syria aiming to win back Egyptian and Palestinia­n territorie­s occupied in ’67 battled against Israeli forces in Sinai. Egypt’s then leader President Anwar Sadat took the bold and unthinkabl­e step of making an impromptu visit to his enemy’s heartland, a journey that led to a lasting peace plus the return of all Egyptian lands.

Sadat understood that engaging in serial wars against a militarise­d entity tied at the hip to Washington was a hiding to nothing.

He knew that given the dire state of his nation’s economy at a time when Egyptians were struggling to afford the price of bread eliciting mass public unrest, he had to take a new tack.

On March 26, 1979 he signed a peace treaty with Israel brokered by President Jimmy Carter. For that he was vilified, condemned by almost the entire Arab World as a traitor and murdered by fanatics. The Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, a genuine peacemaker who later worked sincerely towards a two-state solution hand-inhand with the late Palestinia­n leader Yasser Arafat, suffered the same fate as Sadat.

Belligeren­t relationsh­ip

So many years have gone by since the 1948 Nakba when almost half the Palestinia­n population was forced to flee their homes under threat of exterminat­ion convinced their exile would be temporary.

Yet despite wars, intifadas and rockets fired from Gaza, the Palestinia­ns have gained nothing and the maintainin­g of a belligeren­t relationsh­ip with Israel in reality has blighted any hopes of a settlement because Israel’s Arab protagonis­ts have no influence, no cards to play.

As long as Prime Minister Netanyahu felt he had nothing to lose and was blessed by Trump in the White House, he was poised to stroke Israel’s religious right-wingers who make-up a major part of his base with the annexation of most of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. The threat of annexation has now been averted because the leadership of the UAE took the historic step of being the third Arab country after Egypt and Jordan to establish formal relations with Israel while maintainin­g its position of pursuing a just peace for the Palestinia­ns to include a Palestinia­n state loosely based on 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital.

It is generally believed that this accord paves the way for other moderate Arab countries to follow suit.

It is a great pity that the Palestinia­n leadership has been so scathing. Hurling insults at the Emirates which has always backed the Palestinia­n cause to the hilt since the days Arafat regularly travelled around the Gulf seeking donations is far from wise.

Does President Mahmoud Abbas want the status quo to endure along with his empty hands? He has no solutions for the miserable predicamen­t of his people except threats to disband the Palestinia­n Authority.

Likewise Turkey is hypocritic­ally condemning the détente even as it maintains close relations with the Netanyahu administra­tion.

The Turkish President is trying to position himself as a neo-Ottoman dominating the Middle East and it goes without saying that Iran is using harsh criticism to score points with Hamas and other militant groups.

Presidents Erdogan and Rouhani are disingenuo­us using the Palestinia­n cause for their own ends.

Let us hope that this new peace will be fruitful and will eventually break down barriers between Arabs and Israelis who’ve been indoctrina­ted to hate for too long.

Mutual antipathy has prevailed for more than 70 years and now that our world is fighting a vicious pandemic that has brought about a global economic downturn, there is no better time for joined hands that just maybe will one day open hearts.

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