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Exclusion of many Covid patients who die at home could explain why India has 84,400 fatalities in a country of 1.3 billion people. Amid another daily record of cases yesterday, thousands gathered (pictured) to take a dip in the river Ganges

When Narayan Mitra died on July 16, a day after being admitted to the hospital for fever and breathing difficulti­es, his name never appeared on any of the official lists put out daily of those killed by the coronaviru­s.

Test results later revealed that Mitra had indeed been infected with Covid-19, as had his son, Abhijit, and four other family members in Silchar, in northeaste­rn Assam state, on India’s border with Bangladesh.

But Narayan Mitra still isn’t counted as a coronaviru­s victim. The virus was deemed an “incidental” factor, and a panel of doctors decided his death was due to a previously diagnosed neurologic­al disorder.

“He died because of the virus, and there is no point lying about it,” Abhijit Mitra said of the finding, which came despite national guidelines that ask states to not attribute deaths to underlying conditions in cases where Covid-19 has been confirmed by tests. Such exclusions could explain why India, which has recorded more than 5.1 million infections — second only to the United States — has a death toll of over 83,000 in a country of 1.3 billion people.

Undercount of fatalities

India’s Health Ministry has cited this as evidence of its success in fighting the pandemic and a basis for relaxing restrictio­ns and reopening the economy after Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered a nationwide lockdown earlier this year.

But experts say the numbers are misleading and that India is not counting many deaths.

“We are undercount­ing deaths by an unknown factor,” said Dr. T. Jacob John, a retired virologist.

The Health Ministry has bristled at past allegation­s of an undercount in fatalities, but it refused to comment this week on whether states were reporting all suspected and confirmed virus deaths.

Poor mortality data

In India, recording mortality data was poor even before the pandemic struck. Of the 10 million estimated deaths each year, fewer than a quarter are fully documented, and only one-fifth of these are medically certified.

Most Indians die at home, not in a hospital, and doctors usually aren’t present to record the cause of death. This is more prevalent in rural areas, where the virus is now spreading.

Dr. Prabhat Jha, an epidemiolo­gist at the University of Toronto who has studied deaths in India, said countries should err on the side of overestima­ting deaths if they want to make progress in fighting the virus. “It is better to have no estimate than an underestim­ate,” Jha said.

The Health Ministry guidelines echo this concern, asking states to record all suspected virus deaths, including “presumptiv­e deaths” — those who likely died of Covid-19 but weren’t tested for it.

Federal guidelines ignored

But those guidelines are advisory, and many states don’t comply. In Mahrashtra, India’s worst affected state with more than 1 million cases, suspected deaths aren’t recorded in the tally, said Dr. Archaea Patil, the state’s health director.

Other states, like Assam, have created panels of doctors who differenti­ate between “real virus deaths” and those from underlying illnesses. In some cities

like New Delhi or Mumbai, these panels occasional­ly have added missed deaths to the tally.

But Dr. Anup Kumar Barman, who heads the panel in Assam, said the state is not including many fatalities where the virus was “incidental” and not the cause of death. In Narayan Mitra’s case, he had more symptoms of his underlying neurologic­al disorder, Barman said.

Assam state was following the federal guidelines and was

citing the virus only in those deaths due to respirator­y failure, pneumonia or blood clots, Barman added. But the guidelines list these factors as instances of how the virus can kill and are not a restrictiv­e checklist. Assam state has recorded over 147,000 infections but fewer than 500 deaths as of Wednesday.

Deaths at home not counted

In West Bengal state, a similar panel was shelved in May and the state said it would subsequent­ly follow federal guidelines. Of the 105 deaths of those testing positive for Covid-19 in April, the panel found that 72, or nearly 70 per cent, weren’t caused by the virus.

P.V. Ramesh, who until July 8 headed Covid-19 management for Andhra Pradesh state in

southern India, said coronaviru­s deaths “at home, in transit or while arriving at hospitals don’t get counted.”

The gaps in data also mean that India’s ability to identify spikes in deaths from natural causes from previous years is spotty. Problems in death counts have raised concerns in countries like South Africa.

False sense of protection

Meanwhile, the courts have criticised some states, like Telangana, over transparen­cy in sharing data about fatalities.

In addition, federal Health Ministry guidelines in May advised hospitals against conducting autopsies in suspected Covid-19 cases to prevent exposure to the virus. Although the guidelines say the certificat­ion can be done by doctors, experts said this also was leading to undercount­ing deaths.

The government’s emphasis on the low death toll despite the rising number of reported infections has resulted in people thinking the virus wasn’t necessaril­y fatal, leading to a “false sense of protection,” said Dr. Anant Bhan, who researches public health and ethics in the city of Bhopal. That has led to people letting their guard down by not taking precaution­s such as wearing masks or maintainin­g social distance, Bhan said.

‘Endless flow of bodies’

Regional officials also felt pressure to play down deaths to show the health crisis was under control, said Dr. S.P. Kalantri, director of a hospital in Maharashtr­a’s rural Wardha district. Initially there were “subtle hints” from district officials to “play down the numbers” by listing some deaths as being caused by underlying diseases, he said.

Maharashtr­a state health director Archana Patil said this had been a problem in some districts at first, but officials since have been advised to report all deaths.

Workers at crematoriu­ms, meanwhile, have reported an increase in receiving bodies — whether from the virus or not.

At a crematoriu­m in Lucknow, the capital of India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, worker Bhupesh Soni said 30 people were being cremated every day, compared with five or six before the pandemic.

A cremation normally takes about 45 minutes, but Soni said there have been days when he has worked for over 20 hours. “It is an endless flow of bodies,” he said.

A crematoriu­m worker said 30 people were being cremated every day, compared with five or six before the pandemic. 97,894

Cases of coronaviru­s infections reported in the last 24 hours 83,338

The number of Covid deaths reported in India

Most Indians die at home, not in a hospital, and doctors usually aren’t present to record the cause of death. This is more prevalent in rural areas, where the virus is spreading.

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 ??  ?? ■ Top: flanked Anindita by her Mitra, sons Satyajit, 61, right and Abhijit, holds with the portrait of her husband, late Narayan, at her house in Silchar, India. Narayan wasn’t listed among those killed by the coronaviru­s as the test results confirming Covid-19 arrived after his death.
■ Top: flanked Anindita by her Mitra, sons Satyajit, 61, right and Abhijit, holds with the portrait of her husband, late Narayan, at her house in Silchar, India. Narayan wasn’t listed among those killed by the coronaviru­s as the test results confirming Covid-19 arrived after his death.
 ?? Photos: AP, ?? Above: A man looks for the
■ grave of his relative who died of coronaviru­s in New Delhi.
Photos: AP, Above: A man looks for the ■ grave of his relative who died of coronaviru­s in New Delhi.
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