Gulf News

Lawmaker: Criminalis­e criticism of military


APakistani ruling party parliament­arian has introduced legislatio­n seeking to jail anyone who “ridicules or brings into disrepute or defames” the military, according to records posted on parliament’s website on Wednesday.

Civil rights groups and opposition parties have long held that the military meddles in politics and had supported crackdowns on critical voices, an allegation the military denies. “The purpose of this amendment is to prevent hatred and disrespect­ful behaviour against the Armed Forces,” says the bill, presented by Amjad Ali Khan, chairman of parliament’s standing committee on defence.

The bill seeks up to two years of imprisonme­nt and a fine of up to Rs500,000 ($3,012.59).

Informatio­n Minister Shibli Faraz did not respond to a request for comment.

Simple majority

The ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has a simple majority in the lower house of parliament but not in the upper house where it cannot pass legislatio­n without opposition support. “If the powerful quarters intend to get it passed and make it law, they will do it,” said opposition senator Pervaiz Rashid of the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz. “I fear it will be misused.” One South Asia legal expert, Reema Omer of the Internatio­nal Commission of Jurists, said the move was unnecessar­y given the constituti­on already guarantees the armed forces’ sanctity.

The introducti­on of the bill coincides with controvers­y around reporting by Pakistani news website FactFocus of allegation­s that a former general, Asim Saleem Bajwa, did not declare millions of dollars of family assets in June as a special adviser to Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Bajwa denies the allegation­s. Bajwa also became chairman of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor after he retired last year.

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