Gulf News

Vaccine jab nor nasal swabs do not end Ramadan fast: Grand Mufti



Taking a Covid-19 vaccine will not end a Muslim’s fast during Ramadan, Shaikh Dr. Ahmad Bin Abdul Aziz Al Haddad, Grand Mufti and Head of the Fatwa Department at the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai, told Gulf News yesterday.

The vaccine does not end any fast because it is taken intramuscu­larly like all other intramuscu­lar needles, so it is permissibl­e for the fasting person to take the jab, said Al Haddad explaining that it does not break the fast of the person.

A fasting person is not allowed to take food, water or medicine through the open passages such as the mouth, the nose, etc, or through intravenou­sly.

Al Haddad also explained that the Covid-19 examinatio­n swabs that are taken from the nose or through blood drops do not end the fast, so it is permissibl­e to take them, because the nasal swab does not contain any substance that enters the cavity, rather a sample is taken to be examined outside, and the blood comes out.

Regarding the ruling on fasting, a Muslim may feel symptoms of fatigue as a result of

Covid-19 or taking a vaccine, which prompts him to vomit or take painkiller­s, Al Haddad said that unintentio­nal vomiting does not end the fast. The Messenger of Allah Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him), said, “Whoever is overcome by vomiting, he does not make up the fast. Whoever vomits deliberate­ly, let him make up the fast.”

“If he does not take any of the medicines that break the fast, then his fast is valid, and if he takes painkiller­s he has broken his fast, and there is no blame for him to break his fast if he is tired and needs to break the fast, then he is sick and has to make up the fast.”

Ramadan is expected to start from April 13 this year.

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