Gulf News

Pope meets father of drowned Syrian toddler


Pope Francis yesterday met the father of Aylan Kurdi, the drowned Syrian Kurdish toddler who became a symbol of the plight of migrants. The photos of Aylan’s tiny body, washed up on a Turkish beach in 2015, shocked the world and brought renewed attention to the deadly sea route many migrants take to reach the West.

After holding his last public event yesterday, the 84-year-old met Aylan’s father Abdullah in Arbil, the capital of Iraq’s northern Kurdistan region.

In a photograph published by the Vatican, the pope is seen raising his hand as if offering a blessing while looking intently at Abdullah, who has his head bowed.

‘Pain of a father’

“The pope spoke for a long time with Abdullah Kurdi, and was able to hear the pain of a father who has lost his family,” said a statement by the Vatican.

The Kurdi family originally hails from Kobane in northern Syria, and were hoping to one day resettle in Canada.

But their dream turned to a nightmare

six years ago when three-year-old Aylan drowned alongside his older brother Galip and his mother Rehanna.

The only survivor was Abdullah, who resettled in northern Iraq.

The pope has for years called for an end to the conflict in Syria, which erupted in 2011 in protests against the ruling regime before spiralling into violence.

The ensuing war has killed more than

387,000 people, ravaged key infrastruc­ture and displaced millions. During an interfaith service in southern Iraq on Saturday, Pope Francis made a plea for “unity” after war.

“Let us ask for this in praying for the whole Middle East. Here I think especially of neighbouri­ng war-torn Syria,” he said.

 ?? AFP ?? Pope meets Abdullah Kurdi, father of ■ Aylan Kurdi, whose dead body washed up on a Turkish beach in 2015.
AFP Pope meets Abdullah Kurdi, father of ■ Aylan Kurdi, whose dead body washed up on a Turkish beach in 2015.
 ?? AFP ?? The image that shocked the world and brought renewed attention on sea route many migrants take.
AFP The image that shocked the world and brought renewed attention on sea route many migrants take.

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