Gulf News



Aries March 20 April 18

It’s been a tricky week for everybody, but it’s been especially demanding for you. However, the challenges you’ve faced and the solutions you’ve devised have resulted in a welcome sense of accomplish­ment. This is the perfect time to focus on certain less exciting, but important, matters you’ve ignored for far too long.

Taurus April 19 May 19

We all know people whose confidence is unshakeabl­e. Knowing them is one thing, but having to make plans together with them is another matter, especially because you’re sometimes a bit stubborn, too. The trick? Ask somebody you trust to get involved and, especially, to join in the process of finalising decisions.

Gemini May 20 June 19

While it’s true, often all it takes to clear up confusion is a frank discussion, at the moment certain individual­s are in a temperamen­tal mood. That being the case, first ask what their views are about the matter in question. Only once these are dealt with should you raise tricky issues.

Cancer June 20 July 21

Understand­ably, you’re disappoint­ed that certain longstandi­ng and, in fact, convenient arrangemen­ts are coming to an end. However, with every passing week these are less relevant, and it’s clear changes will have to be made anyway. Sit back and allow them to unfold as they must. You won’t regret it.

Leo July 22 August 21

Life would be a lot easier if you could organise plans for the coming weeks and, ideally, months. The irony is, while one side of your nature loves the idea of knowing what’s coming, you also enjoy surprises, especially those that come from out of the blue. Ensure others are aware you’d welcome these, too.

Virgo August 22 September 21

Obviously, you’d like to trust certain individual­s. However, their inability to make a lasting plan, is worrying. The trick? Accept them as they are. Eventually, you may even learn to enjoy their spontaneou­s approach to life. Certainly it will be a break from knowing what each day is bringing your way.

Libra September 22 October 21

As an air sign, you’re not only happy to work hard to devise a clever plan, you enjoy watching what you’ve organised unfold. However, certain individual­s are the reverse, and can’t resist making suggestion­s and, at times, changing everything. This won’t be easy, but let them. You’ll soon learn why.

Scorpio October 22 November 20

Certain issues seem inescapabl­e. Despite feeling you must resolve them, you’re urged to move on and, equally, to forget about other problems. This may seem unfair. While you’ve every right to continue discussing these, it’s unlikely the actual issues will be resolved. Time itself is the greatest of healers. Take advantage of its power.

Sagittariu­s November 21 December 20

There are many kinds of promises. Some are matters of honour or a heartfelt commitment to a friend or loved one. However, you’re urged to be wary because, if you’re not cautious, you could easily make a commitment as restrictiv­e as it will be inescapabl­e. You know what it is. Think carefully about it.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

The last thing you’re in the mood for is changes in recently organised plans. However, the foundation on which these are based has shifted, suddenly and extensivel­y, which means you’ve no choice but to rethink those plans. Unwelcome as this is, what you learn will more than justify a few days’ disarray.

Aquarius January 20 February 18

Some discussion­s are exciting, mostly because the people involved are clever, imaginativ­e and good company. However, while certain of the discussion­s you’ll have over the coming days may be dull, they’re also crucial, now and for your future. That being the case, resist the temptation to rush them and, instead, take them slowly.

Pisces February 19 March 19

Being told you’re about to be disillusio­ned may sound like bad news. However, this involves arrangemen­ts you were unsure of anyway, and exploring because you wanted to learn more. What you’ve learnt has just been illuminati­ng, the resulting insights could come in handy as you begin to consider, and commit to, future plans.

 ??  ?? World-renowned astrologer Shelley von
Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!

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