Gulf News

India protests US naval exercise


In a rare statement, the US Navy earlier announced that its operations had “challenged” what the US called India’s “excessive maritime claims.”

India protested to the United States for a navy vessel conducting a transit through its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) without consent, the foreign ministry said, in a rare row between the friendly navies.

The USS John Paul Jones “asserted navigation­al rights and freedoms,” inside India’s EEZ in line with internatio­nal law by sailing about 130 nautical miles (241 km) west of India’s Lakshadwee­p islands, the US Seventh Fleet said in a statement on Wednesday.

But an Indian foreign ministry spokesman said in a statement that UN rules did not allow such passage without consent.

“The government of India’s stated position on the United Nations convention on the law of the sea is that the convention does not authorise other states to carry out in the exclusive economic zone and on the continenta­l shelf, military exercises or manoeuvres, in particular those involving the use of weapons or explosives, without the consent of the coastal state,” the spokesman said.

India’s military monitored the movement of the John Paul Jones as it transited from the Gulf towards the Malacca Straits, the foreign ministry said.

The US Navy has previously conducted so-called freedom of navigation sails through Indian waters without consent, with the last one in the fiscal year for 2019, according to an annual US defence department report.

The ex chief of India’s naval staff Arun Prakash questioned why the US announced the operation in the waters of an apparent ally. “For the 7th Fleet to carry out FoN missions in Indian EEZ in violation of our domestic law is bad enough. But publicisin­g it?” he wrote on Twitter on Friday.

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