Gulf News



■ Environmen­t: Keep your bedroom cool, quiet, and dark. Blackout curtains and earplugs can help. Avoid using your bedroom for work or leisure.

■ Scents: Lavender is know to decrease heart rate and blood pressure. Try using scented candles, essential oils or potpourris.

■ Power naps: Avoid taking naps longer than 20-30 minutes in the day.

■ Regular exercise: It’s best to exercise in the day, but not within four hours of your bedtime.

■ Balanced diet: Avoid eating heavy, fatty or sugary foods at iftar and eat wholegrain­s and protein at suhour.

■ Avoid caffeine: Drinking coffee close to bedtime will increase your alertness and prevent sleep.

■ Routine: Ensure that you sleep and wake up at around the same time every day.

■ Keep gadgets away: Avoid using your mobile phone, laptop and TV close to bedtime as the blue light from screens can interfere with sleep.

Apnoea: Use your CPAP machine. Four hours of CPAP usage helps improve sleep.

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