Gulf News

Sharjah aims to become first city to roll out high-speed skypods



Plans are under way to roll out a highspeed skypod transport system for passengers and cargo in Sharjah. The suspended transport system, which involves the movement of driverless pods on “strings” — which are a bundle of tensioned steel tracks attached on concrete supports — is being tested at Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park (SRTI Park).

The suspended transport system is different from the convention­al pulley system of cable cars or aerial trams, which continuous­ly move and circulate around two terminal stations at a speed between 10 to 20km per hour. Sky pods are connected to high-tensioned steel wire and move back and forth independen­tly.

The uCar (passenger sky pod) that can carry up to four passengers runs on 400-metre test track at SRTI Park at a speed of up to 50km per hour. A longer 2.4km string-rail system will be completed between October to November this year and the driverless hanging electric pod will be tested to run up to 150km per hour. Speaking to Gulf News yesterday, Hussain Al Mahmoudi, CEO of SRTI Park, said: “The uSky (electric sky pod) project is a key project in Sharjah. This is a project that we hope out of Sharjah can go global.

Futuristic city

“At the moment uSky Transport is testing different passenger and cargo trains and we hope the testing will be successful and we will be able to commercial­ise the technology and take it to the market,” he added.

Al Mahmoudi said there are different options and sites to roll out the new type of elevated light rail transporta­tion system across Sharjah. “We are looking at Khor Fakkan and we are also working on options inside the city centre. We look forward to commercial­ising the technology and make it one of the biggest successes in the region,” he added.

Al Mahmoudi noted the elevated string-rail system is part of the comprehens­ive plan aimed at transformi­ng the city of Sharjah into a sustainabl­e futuristic city.

“We all know the challenges posed by traffic congestion and mobility. We believe the uSky project will boost the mobility strategy and infrastruc­ture of Sharjah and the entire UAE because it uses less land and less land but more efficient,” he added.

Significan­tly lower cost

Oleg Zaretkskiy, CEP of uSky Transport added “the suspended transport system would cost significan­tly lower as compared to other transport solutions. It also ensures safety, rational use of land, and minimal environmen­tal damage.”

Meanwhile, Al Mahmoudi said more innovative mobility solutions are being developed at SRTI Park, including autonomous buses and firstand-last-mile solutions such as e-bikes and scooters.

An autonomous bus that can carry up to 20 passengers is also being tested in Sharjah.

 ?? Ahmed Ramzan/Gulf News ?? ■
The uCar that is being tested can carry up to four passengers and can reach a speed of 50km/h.
Ahmed Ramzan/Gulf News ■ The uCar that is being tested can carry up to four passengers and can reach a speed of 50km/h.
 ?? Ahmed Ramzan/Gulf News ?? The suspended ■ transport system, which includes a uCar that can carry up to 6 passengers, is being tested in SRTI Park.
Ahmed Ramzan/Gulf News The suspended ■ transport system, which includes a uCar that can carry up to 6 passengers, is being tested in SRTI Park.
 ?? Ahmed Ramzan/Gulf News ?? ■
Oleg Zaretskiy steps out of the uCar that’s on a trial run.
Ahmed Ramzan/Gulf News ■ Oleg Zaretskiy steps out of the uCar that’s on a trial run.

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