Gulf News



Aries March 20 April 18

Every once in a while, you’ll defy others’ decisions or, in fact, destiny itself. This is typically Aries, in part to show you’re in charge but, also, because you want time to explore your options. While ordinarily that would work, with things moving so swiftly, you’re better off going with the flow.

Taurus April 19 May 19

The idea of making a lasting plan for the changes now being discussed, then putting them into action, in the order you have in mind, may be appealing. However, things are unlikely to work that way. In fact with Mercury retrograde, even simple changes could force you to rethink things, probably more than once.

Gemini May 20 June 19

Being inquisitiv­e by nature, your reaction to the discovery that you’ve got your facts wrong is one of inquisitiv­eness, rather than the defensive attitude many take. This isn’t just admirable, judging by the coming days’ twists and turns, it will be handy, mostly because you’ll already have explored all sorts of intriguing

Cancer June 20 July 21

For ages you’ve been thinking about, if not planning, ways you’d leave certain increasing­ly unprofitab­le elements of your life behind and focus on other, more worthwhile, pursuits. That time has come. While some of these changes seem abrupt, deep down you know it’s time. Once you begin, it will be a huge relief.


July 22 August 21


August 22 September 21

There’s no way to proceed with your plans without upsetting someone. While, as a Leo and a fire sign, you’re usually fearless, certain individual­s are so fussy that you can’t help but worry. The fact is, you must put your interests and those of others first. If anybody else is unhappy, too bad.

If you’re into astrology, you’ll know that your ruler Mercury is retrograde, or in reverse movement, until the 22nd. While this triggers confusion, often what’s learnt in the process of untangling those issues more than justifies the effort required. The challenge? Being patient enough to allow answers to surface when they must.


September 22 October 21

Tempting as it is to clear up issues and organise future plans, you’re urged to wait, at least for now. Over the coming ten days, your ruler Venus forms a series of stunning links to several planetary powerhouse­s. This won’t just eliminate certain issues, offers that appear from nowhere could change everything, often overnight.


October 22 November 20

Although certain unsettling changes may not seem timely, they’re not only in your best interests, they’re breakthrou­ghs, if in disguise. What’s more, others are facing equally unsettling developmen­ts and will benefit just as much as you. The secret? You may think it unwise, but wait and see what happens, You’ll be


November 21 December 20

Certain individual­s aren’t just upset about the changes currently unfolding, they regard them as a disaster. You, on the other hand, view these as a timely, if not overdue, reorganisa­tion of the world around you and your own life. Tempted to reassures others? For now, forget it. They’re determined to struggle.


December 21 January 19

Ordinarily when exploring new ideas, you’ll delve into every option, doublechec­k the facts, then commit. Now, however, things aren’t that simple. Worrying as the current disarray seems, this is about broadening your horizons and, even more, opening your mind to the unexpected. If you can’t say yes, at least don’t say a firm no.


January 20 February 18

Once you understand that even those events that seem designed to irritate you are helping break old and, more important, restrictiv­e, patterns you’ll stop complainin­g and begin exploring them. In some cases you’ll spot their promise right away. However, others are more complex. Still, within a surprising­ly short time, you’ll embrace them all.


February 19 March 19

Recently, you and, equally, those around you, have faced a series of tricky if not just plain unfair dilemmas from the past or unexpected difficulti­es. Challengin­g as these seem, each situation is offering an opportunit­y to clear up a persistent issue or learn something vital for the here and now.

 ??  ?? World-renowned astrologer Shelley von
Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!
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