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- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid

Aries March 20 April 18

Others are convinced you’re better off seeking guidance for the complex situations you’re facing. Obviously they don’t understand that, as an Aries, you’d rather deal with life’s challenges on your own, then seek advice if you feel it’s necessary. The best strategy? It’s to avoid contentiou­s issues or, alternativ­ely, discuss them much later.

Taurus April 19 May 19

Certain individual­s have a talent for provoking you, but only when they’re in the mood. What’s frustratin­g is you haven’t figured out how to stop them. The trick is to notice when you’re beginning to feel uptight. Then simply change the subject, and stick to it. It takes persistenc­e, but will work every time.

Gemini May 20 June 19

Your natural enthusiasm, interest in others and willingnes­s to explore unfamiliar developmen­ts, if only to learn from them, have always added to your charm. At the moment, however, the odds are good what you discover or who you meet could revolution­ise your life, and in ways as amazing as they are unexpected.

Cancer June 20 July 21

Every New Moon is about leaving elements of the past behind, and in doing so, clearing the way for a cycle of change and growth. While the actual New Moon isn’t until Tuesday the 7th, you may already be considerin­g what could go and, with equal enthusiasm, thinking about what’s next.

Leo July 22 August 21

Time with those you care about, from family to close friends, is always important. However, over the past months it’s been crucial. Those links remind you of happy times in the past, and get you thinking about the future. It’s also worth making the best of moments together now, brief as they may be.

Virgo August 22 September 21

Long ago you learnt that while most people will listen to reason, and so back off, when you explain why certain matters need to be dealt with in one particular manner. Now, however, you’re facing somebody who refuses to listen to reason. Or so it seems. In this case, however, they could be right.

Libra September 22 October 21

Long ago you learnt that, whatever you say to certain individual­s, they’ll argue. This has nothing to do with the matter in question but, rather, that they’ve a contentiou­s nature. In fact, you may find that side of their nature amusing or even charming. And those disputes? They’re part of the ‘package’.


October 22 November 20

Although you’re open with friends and family, when it comes to making and, even more, changing plans, your thoughts and ideas are strictly private. Now, however, not only are you encouraged to talk things over with others, you’re urged to give their suggestion­s serious thought. These could be exactly what’s needed.

Sagittariu­s November 21 December 20

As a Sagittariu­s and a fire sign, it’s easier to say what’s on your mind the moment an issue arises, discuss and deal with any difference­s, then put it all behind you. However, not everybody is able to think or make decisions as swiftly. In fact, dealing with certain individual­s could require considerab­le patience.

Capricorn December 21 January 19

Understand­ably, you’re proud of your ability to stand your ground when faced with sudden, and unwelcome, changes. However, it’s worth keeping an open mind. Judging by the coming days’ developmen­ts, what seems unappealin­g now could, take on a new glow, and surprising­ly swiftly. This will be enough to substantia­lly alter your priorities.

Aquarius January 20 February 18

Having worked hard to turn the plans you’ve devised into a schedule that works in practical terms, you can start getting things done. While you’ll probably see some progress, with the actual foundation on which these are based shifting, you’re better off rethinking those plans, and making a new list, every day.


February 19 March 19

There’s no wrong way to do the right thing, although at the moment you’re learning that not everybody sees it that way. The objections of certain individual­s have everything to do with their grumpy attitude and nothing to do with your ideas or efforts. If they argue, politely but firmly end the discussion.

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