Gulf News

Food: Dishes best served cold

No time? Don’t worry about heating — and reheating your meals anymore amid your busy daily schedule at home

- By Sangeetha Sagar Special to Gulf news

Dubai: It’s both a classic work-from-home problem and an office-going, lunchtotin­g one. At home, you prepare a fresh hot meal, only to be interrupte­d by a surprise Zoom call, your child’s 10th online learning dilemma, and other distractio­ns galore. At work, you are met with a sea of people queuing up for the microwave at lunch (not to mention that touching the microwave handle in a Covid world probably has you breaking out in hives).

The solution comes in the form of recipes that can be enjoyed at room temperatur­e. If you grew up hearing a parent yell “eat before your food gets cold”, these dishes below are just begging to be left to get cold. Because some meals simply don’t need to be piping hot to be delicious. Here are two such dishes to play it cool. (Psst, they’re also picnic-perfect).

 ??  ?? For more such easy-to-do recipes, visit the website
For more such easy-to-do recipes, visit the website

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