Gulf News

The robots can be inspired and inane

- — Phillip Alder

Probably most of my readers have competed online over the last 18 months, perhaps playing with or against the robots at Bridge Base Online. Those robots can play brilliantl­y and stupidly, sometimes both in the same deal. Today’s is an example. But, first, look at the South hand. Robot West opens one club, North overcalls one diamond, and Robot East makes a negative double showing at least 4-4 in the majors. What should South do? As is usually the case when an opponent has bid your long suit, you must pass on the first round. (Here, two clubs would show good diamond support, and three clubs would be a Mixed Raise: four diamonds, 7-9 high-card points and nine losers.) However, at one table a human South did not want to pass, so he advanced with one spade. West rebid two hearts, and after two passes, South bid a natural three clubs, which was passed out. (Three pairs bought it two clubs, 10 in three clubs and one in three spades -- how should that get on?) West did very well, leading a trump. Strangely, South won on the board and played a diamond to the queen. West won and weirdly did not play another trump, which would have resulted in down three. Instead, West shifted to the heart six, which was ducked to declarer’s jack! West took the next trick with the spade 10 and led another heart! South trumped, ruffed a spade on the board, discarded a spade on the diamond ace, ruffed a heart, drew trumps and collected an overtrick for a cold top! Three spades goes down if South gets two diamond ruffs.

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