Gulf News

Surprise tricks


Plenty of points for game, but with no good fit, three no trump is often a struggle. Should the clubs behave, a successful finesse in either major will provide nine tricks.

The opening diamond lead went to the 10, jack and king. Intending to take the spade finesse, South led his spade toward dummy, but he went up with the ace when West discarded a club. A heart to the queen lost to the king, and West continued with the ace and another diamond.

South won with his queen as East pitched a spade. Declarer cashed his ace of hearts, and when East followed with the jack, after playing the 10 on the first heart, it looked like East started with 6-2-2-3 distributi­on. South cashed the king and queen of clubs, and then led a low club to dummy’s ace.

South had cut himself off from the long club, but the spade suit would produce two more winners to get his total up to nine. Well done!

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