Gulf News




1 Card that loses to a trey

6 Equine control

10 Dazzled

14 Boo-boo

15 Besides that

16 Waterslide cry

17 *Yellow tomato with red swirls

19 Dismiss from work

20 __ coffee: cool drink

21 Anonymous Jane

22 One-on-one teacher

23 Mortarboar­d hanger

25 Flier’s seat choice

27 *”Our group doesn’t agree”

31 Heed, with “by”

35 Couple’s pronoun

36 Currency for 19 states

38 Dull movie, say

39 “Spider-Man” actress Kirsten

40 Staircase part

41 Fish that complains a lot?

42 One less than nona

43 Liability offset on a balance sheet

44 *Phillie Phanatic, notably

47 Environmen­tally friendly

48 Highway divider

53 Opposite of old age

55 Long, long time

57 About, on a memo

58 Inuit word for “house”

59 Concludes with no clear winner ... and what each answer to a starred clue does?

62 Bosc or Anjou

63 Snail __: letter carrier’s burden

64 Golfer Sam

65 Arid

66 “Do __ others ... “

67 Singer __ Rae Jepsen


1 Ledger entry

2 “Fear of Flying” author Jong

3 Impulses

4 Firewood units

5 Victorian or Elizabetha­n

6 Janet __, attorney general after Barr

7 Hamburg’s river

8 Prefix with metric

9 Never been used

10 Terrible quality

11 Low-visibility snow events

12 Gateway Arch designer Saarinen

13 Bucks in a forest

18 Doing nothing

22 “For shame!”

24 Meadow mom

25 Respirator­y cavity

26 MIT’s “I”: Abbr.

28 Froot Loops mascot __ Sam

29 Fox-and-hounds pursuits

30 Shade provider

31 Alphabet sequence symbolizin­g ease

32 Word with row or sail

33 Imperfect, as sale goods

34 Arrival’s opposite

37 Choose (to)

39 Capitol feature

43 Absorbed, as a cost

45 [Yawn]

46 Upscale hotel

49 Ross or Rigg

50 Prefix meaning “between”

51 Sans-serif font

52 Impoverish­ed

53 Golfer’s putting jitters, with “the”

54 Curved molding

55 Do some prose-tightening

56 Nobel Peace Prize city

59 Big Aussie bird

60 Indian bread

61 Pres. advisory group

 ?? ??

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