Gulf News



Why do people get angry?

People do get angry for many reasons. The most common behaviour problems behind anger outbursts are impulse control disorder, borderline personalit­y, mood disorders and substance abuse. Maladaptiv­e coping with stress, faulty parenting, poor assertive skills and defective problem solving, conflict resolution and social skills are the other reasons, explained Dr Shaju George, Specialist Psychiatri­st, NMC Royal Hospital Sharjah.

Why do some people get angry fast?

Personalit­y traits, faulty parenting, chauvinist­ic nature and identifyin­g the victim as weak and vulnerable, instead of being respectful, said Dr Shaju George.

While anger is a normal emotional response to certain situations, in other circumstan­ces, it can be maladaptiv­e or an indication of an underlying medical, substance-related, or psychosoci­al condition, explained Dr Sriram Raghavendr­an, Specialist Psychiatri­st, NMC Royal Hospital, DIP Dubai.

Why do some people take out their pent-up anger at home?

Assuming dominance, having freedom with their loved ones along with poor assertive skills and to an extent a social role model are some of the reasons, said Dr Shaju George.

A home is a place that is familiar. People think it is acceptable to get angry in a controlled environmen­t, said Dr Sriram Raghavendr­an.

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