Gulf News




1 Connected

10 “All good here!”

15 Order of magnitude?

16 Not touch

17 Paleolithi­c innovation 18 Turning points?

19 British pound note featuring

Jane Austen

20 Horn in

22 Jettison

23 Take off

24 __ shape

26 Hardly rosy

27 “Broaden your horizons!” 30 Bank security

31 Self-evident pick

32 Top pick

33 Big name in Early American


34 Emmy winner Helgenberg­er 35 Drunkennes­s

37 Cut off

38 Backs

39 Herb used in some Indigenous smudging rituals 40 Life styles?

41 Personal matter?

42 Parking space

44 Fortified, with “up”

46 Cool amount?

49 Sierra __

51 Smell-O-Vision rival 53 Source of intelligen­ce 54 Summary of top headlines 55 Prankster’s declaratio­n 56 Mail order?


1 Start of a library conversati­on, maybe

2 Gentilesch­i’s “Self-Portrait

as a __ Player”

3 Just after

4 Mil. title

5 Troublemak­er

6 Prize

7 LED component

8 Hilfiger rival

9 Pen name of journalist

Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman 10 Sort

11 Element of some meditation


12 Admired with quiet reverence, with “of”

13 Goes back out

14 Crossword editor Harper in Hallmark’s “Crossword Mysteries” series

21 __ nous

23 Hashtag that went viral during a pop star’s legal battle 25 Ewe said it

26 Elevate

27 Kids on a farm

28 Plant that sparked the Victorian craze “pteridoman­ia” 29 Indoor rower, for short 30 “Smallville” role for Durance 31 “You okay there?”

32 Cone source

33 Pub trayful

36 Classic car

37 Coastal formations? 39 Appear to be

41 Cultivated

42 Refinery waste

43 Cuban bar tender

45 Little dipper?

46 Nutmeg spice

47 Supermodel with a cosmetics line for women of color 48 W. Coast force

50 “When will u b here?” 52 Hoops stat

 ?? ??

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