Gulf News


World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid



March 20 April 18

The planet of good fortune, Jupiter, moves into Aries on Monday the 10th, and remains there until late October. While the ideas, offers and breakthrou­ghs this brings are thrilling, accepting the fact you’re not in control may be tricky. Despite your desire to seize the reins, try to be flexible. You’ll be glad you did.


April 19 May 19

Only days ago, you were complainin­g about unsettling changes. Yet, at the same time, you were investigat­ing ideas as exciting as they are unfamiliar. This may be out of character for you, as a cautious Taurus. However, judging by the current planetary setup, you’re discoverin­g a new, and unexpected­ly bold, side of your nature.


May 20 June 19

Understand­ably, you’re thinking of saying farewell to certain increasing­ly unsettling arrangemen­ts. While you were always aware these were risky in some ways, both the people involved and the actual circumstan­ces have been good fun. But with every passing day, they’re more challengin­g. The time has come to say ‘enough is enough’.


June 20 July 21

Nobody would blame you for thinking about disentangl­ing yourself from an increasing­ly tricky arrangemen­t. At other times and in other circumstan­ces, that might be wise. But, at the moment, you’ve a rare opportunit­y to discuss and, potentiall­y, to resolve certain tricky issues. However, there’s a secret. And that’s to act swiftly.


July 22 August 21

As a Leo, you’re impulsive. Yet, also, in certain elements of your own life and the circumstan­ces of loved ones, you’ll insist on the best and, on the other, you’ll ensure things will work in the long term. Now, however, you’ve no choice but to take chances. Do exactly that. You won’t regret it.


August 22 September 21

As much as you enjoy the idea of fortunate events coming your way, you’ve a tendency to be suspicious, especially if things seem too good to be true. This once, however, take a chance. Be impulsive. Explore. At minimum, what you experience will be interestin­g. But who, and what, you encounter could be life-changing.


September 22 October 21

Initially, you thought it inevitable that existing arrangemen­ts would discussed behind your back, and you’d have to accept others’ decisions. You’ve hoped that, when they finally open up about these, you could employ your skills as a tactful Libra to make any necessary changes. Don’t count on it. You may have to go with the flow.


October 22 November 20

From your perspectiv­e, fighting for somebody you care about or, in fact, an important cause comes naturally. However, with the foundation on which certain arrangemen­ts are based sifting, you may have no choice but to stand back, and allow events to unfold as they must. You’ll be glad you did.

Sagittariu­s November 21 December 20

While you’ve a rare capacity to gather informatio­n, assess what you’ve learnt, then think swiftly, what you’re facing now is forcing you to slow your pace. This is good timing, because some of the issues are as complex as they are unexpected. Tackle them one by one. You’ll be glad you did.


December 21 January 19

While many dread the period when the ideas planet Mercury is retrograde, or in reverse moment, as it will be from the 10th until early June, it can lead to unexpected breakthrou­ghs. That seems to be the case now. The trick? Don’t let anybody rush you. Analyse events, point by point, and day by day.

Aquarius January 20 February 18

For weeks you’ve known certain longstandi­ng arrangemen­ts would need to be rethought, if not radically altered. Obviously you’ve tried to avoid extensive changes, mostly because of the chaos they’d cause. Only now are you realising that a shakeup isn’t just unavoidabl­e, it will clear the way for breakthrou­ghs as sudden as they are timely.

Pisces February 19 March 19

Usually, you’ve a knack for finding a way around even the most challengin­g or complex of dilemmas. However, those you’re currently facing are so puzzling you’ve no idea where to begin. The secret? For now, back off. Wait and watch. Within a few days changes in the actual circumstan­ces in question would mean rethinking everything.

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