Gulf News


- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid!


March 20 April 18

Judging by the clash between your ruler Mars and Neptune, the planet of vision but also illusion, you’ll soon need to justify certain arrangemen­ts, some dear to your heart. This isn’t about getting rid of them but, instead, making a few, long overdue, changes. They aren’t that complicate­d, as you’ll discover once you begin.


April 19 May 19

The time has come for some changes, not just in circumstan­ces but, as will become increasing­ly clear, there’s bound to be a major shift in your priorities. While, mostly, you’re already aware what needs to be done and why, a few situations are puzzling. Be patient. Within days things will be much clearer.


May 20 June 19

Recently you’ve felt trapped in certain arrangemen­ts that once worked, but are becoming more of a problem day by day. Yet you worry even mentioning changes will upset others. Actually, they’re as eager as you are to move on, but have kept their feelings hidden. The solution? A frank discussion, and the sooner, the better.


June 20 July 21

Certain individual­s don’t mean to cause problems. They simply don’t understand that several matters are increasing­ly pressing. They don’t think in terms of getting things done but, instead, prefer to put off as much as possible. The solution? Do what needs to be done yourself. You’ll be relieved and others will be grateful.


July 22 August 21

Exciting as it is to make progress, especially in situations that only recently seemed hopelessly stuck, things aren’t going according to plan. Judging by the thrilling planetary activity between now and the end of the month, there’s lots more yet to come. The trick? Make plans but ensure that they’re flexible.


August 22 September 21

Being a practical earth sign, you long ago learnt that certain goals are worth waiting for. However, those around you give so little thought to their plans and passions that you worry about them wasting time on pointless pursuits. From your perspectiv­e, that’s wise. From theirs, it doesn’t matter at all.


September 22 October 21

Unsettling as sudden changes in certain longstandi­ng arrangemen­ts would be, you can’t say no to the opportunit­y they offer. Still, you’re tempted to talk these over with certain individual­s who, you fear, will raise worrying questions. The ideal solution? Proceed with your plans first, and save those potentiall­y tricky discussion­s for another day.


October 22 November 20

True, few things are more irritating than being forced by sudden events to rethink, if not entirely reorganise, arrangemen­ts that once made sense. But not only are the circumstan­ces in question changing, so are your own priorities. In fact, the timing is giving you an opportunit­y to make those changes, but discreetly.


November 21 December 20

After weeks of unsettling events and the resulting confusion, you’re beginning to develop a fresh perspectiv­e on several of the matters in question. While things aren’t yet clear, you’re increasing­ly aware it’s time to rethink your way of handling these matters and, even more, the individual­s involved. The resulting changes will be a huge relief.


December 21 January 19

Judging by the coming days’ tricky planetary set up, while certain decisions can’t be put off, they’re unlikely to go smoothly. Knowing that, outline the facts you need, then prepare for a lengthy period of debate, discussion and possibly clashes. Once you know what to expect, those dramas won’t worry you.

Aquarius January 20 February 18

As much as you enjoy hearing what others have to say, listening to their ideas is another matter. And, at the moment, it’s more time-consuming than you anticipate­d and, worse, is giving very little back in return. The secret? Be patient and leave decisions in others’ hands. Ultimately they’ll know what’s best.


February 19 March 19

On occasion, you need time for yourself. Sometimes it’s about putting you and your interests first, at other times it’s simply a matter of being on your own for a while. The problem? Certain individual­s say you’re excluding them, and have hurt feelings. Apologise once, but make it clear you still need ‘alone-time’.

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