Gulf News

New Dubai skyscraper awaits height decision


- BY MANOJ NAIR Business Editor

Bring up the subject of any property market’s ups and downs, but you will not see Mohammad Binghatti shaken as he takes on the project to build the world’s tallest only-residentia­l tower.

Binghatti is creating a new Dubai skyscraper in alliance with luxury watch and jewellery maker Jacob & Co. As per forecasts, the project developmen­t will likely take between 3.5 to 4 years. “We have no concern of a market cycle,” said Binghatti. “Luxury properties are in extreme demand in Dubai and we believe this demand shall continue as it is a by-product of clear prudent planning and legislativ­e policies by the government to stimulate the economy.

Wealth migration

“Moreover, wealth migration patterns have shown a sheer interest towards the UAE from all over the world, mainly due to the stability and growth potential of the UAE’s economy, coupled with the solid safety and security of the country.”

Enough to justify the Binghatti Jacob & Co Residences to come up in a city that has its fair share of world record holding structures.

Dubai and the UAE have seen a sustained inflow of new investors from outside, and these days there are many who believe more deals could have been done if only the market had some ready homes to spare. Preferably those of the luxury kind.

Binghatti will not say much about the likely end height for the tower located in Business Bay, or what the eventual cost of developmen­t might be.

“Final decision on the height is expected in between 1-3 months,” he said. “This plot has been in our land bank since almost a year.

Uber-luxury projects

“We have seen a clear increase in demand in Dubai’s market for uber-luxury projects. Coupled with internal research that suggested many of our customers are interested to see such a product offering.

“This shift has also been part of our long-term strategy to solidify our position in the market as a major developer that caters for all the segments in the real estate market.

“The tower is considered an architectu­ral icon of more than 100 floors, consisting of luxurious residentia­l units that vary in features and space and range from two- to three-bedrooms.”

The residentia­l units feature two ‘collection­s’ — Sapphire, which consists of residentia­l units with two bedrooms, and Emerald Suites, all of which are three bedrooms.

The upper part of the Benghati Jacob & Co Residences tower houses five exclusive penthouse units — ‘floating on top of the world’ — and offering open views of the city skyline.

 ?? ?? Dubai’s latest skyscraper project has set direct sights on one figure — 472.4 metres. This is the height of the world’s current tallest residentia­l, the Central Park Tower in Manhattan.
Dubai’s latest skyscraper project has set direct sights on one figure — 472.4 metres. This is the height of the world’s current tallest residentia­l, the Central Park Tower in Manhattan.
 ?? ?? Mohammad Binghatti with Jacob Arabo, Chairman of Jacob & Co. Binghatti is creating a new Dubai skyscraper in alliance with luxury watch and jewellery maker Jacob & Co.
Mohammad Binghatti with Jacob Arabo, Chairman of Jacob & Co. Binghatti is creating a new Dubai skyscraper in alliance with luxury watch and jewellery maker Jacob & Co.

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