Gulf News

The flu is around – here’s what doctors suggest to keep it at bay


- BY SAMIHAH ZAMAN Senior Reporter

UAE doctors have renewed their call to residents to get vaccinated against the flu as this year’s flu season is resulting in more severe cases of the disease across the globe.

Flu shots, which are easily accessible at clinics and hospitals across the UAE, are the best way to protect oneself from the flu, which can prove dangerous for vulnerable members of the community.

Dr Mourad Kirollos, staff physician for primary care and family medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, said there is also a need – in light of the threats to respirator­y health – to bust myths and misconcept­ions around the flu vaccine.

“Our immune systems have been through a bit of a rollercoas­ter in the last two year. Flu can seem like an unimportan­t illness to many. However, it can quickly escalate to a lifethreat­ening situation if not addressed in time. This annual epidemic affects between three to five million people globally,” Dr Kirollos said.

“While people may question whether the flu vaccine is effective in any way, it is important to understand that the most effective way to prevent the disease is vaccinatio­n,” he added.

Because flu virus strains change rapidly, the flu shot must

Flu can seem like an unimportan­t illness to many... This annual epidemic affects between three to five million people globally.”

Dr Mourad Kirollos | Staff physician for primary care and family medicine, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi

be taken every year in order to provide optimal protection.

Busting influenza myths

Dr Kirollos sought to counter some common misconcept­ions about the influenza virus.

Myth: Flu vaccines do not help against influenza infection.

Fact: Influenza vaccines offer approximat­ely 70 to 90 per cent protection against clinical disease in healthy adults. Among elderly people, vaccinatio­n may reduce the number of hospitalis­ations by 25 to 39 per cent, and has also been shown to reduce overall mortality by 39 to 75 per cent during the flue seasons.

Myth: Influenza is just a common cold and does not require any attention.

Fact: As many as 650,000 people a year can die of the flu. While it can have a severe impact on people with compromise­d immune systems, even healthy individual­s are susceptibl­e. Usually, recovery takes just a few weeks, however, it can lead to complicati­ons such as pneumonia, heart or brain inflammati­on, or sinus infection.

Myth: I have taken the Covid-19 vaccine, which will protect me against the flu.

Fact: Although both Covid-19 and the flu are contagious respirator­y illnesses, taking the coronaviru­s vaccine does not offer protection against the flu because influenza strains are totally different from Covid-19 strains.

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 ?? ?? Vaccinatio­ns have also been shown to reduce overall mortality by 39 to 75 per cent during the flue seasons.
Vaccinatio­ns have also been shown to reduce overall mortality by 39 to 75 per cent during the flue seasons.

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