Gulf News

Name, shame, and punish the ugly flyer

Drunk man peeing on a female passenger on New York-Delhi flight has shocked citizens and the incident calls for strong deterrents

- BY JYOTSNA MOHAN ■ The writer is the author of the investigat­ive book Stoned, Shamed, Depressed. She was also a journalist with NDTV for 15 years.

It was an incident — or two as it turns out — just waiting to happen. For its sheer ignominy the story has been trending far and wide but for anyone who was on a news detox, here is a quick recap. A business class traveller on an Air India flight from New York-Delhi had one too many to drink, exposed himself while simultaneo­usly covering himself with disgrace and a fellow co-passenger, a 70-year-old elderly woman with his urine.

Two months after the incident, Shankar Mishra has finally been arrested despite his father’s claims that it was a false case as the woman was ‘like a mother’ to his son.

He has been sacked from his corporate job and this public humiliatio­n will not be easy for him or his family to live down. The story though doesn’t end here.

The blasé behaviour of Air India’s crew during the incident is what flight manuals will show as an example never to be followed. They first asked the distressed lady to sit in one of the seats belonging to the crew and later when they wanted their seat back, sent her to the filthy seat that they had hastily covered with sheets.

The episode took place in November but action was taken by the airline only once the woman filed a complaint. A co-passenger’s two page complaint during the flight never saw the light of day. Shame came in twos on the high-mile frontier and yet again, it was an Air India flight. On a Delhi-Paris route a man urinated on the blanket of a female co-passenger bringing to a flourishin­g finale this act of the Indian traveller, for now.

There are however many aspiring candidates waiting in the aisle for lead roles in the play starring the ugly traveller. Barely some days earlier passengers on board a flight from Kolkata to Bangkok had a physical altercatio­n and were soon in fisticuffs. It all began when global procedure met the entitled Indian, a passenger refused to make his seat upright for take-off despite the crew’s pleadings that it was a security issue.

A flight is still taxiing on the runway and the Indian shoots upright to grab his overhead luggage, then elbows his way to the front exit as though if he wasn’t quick enough the flight would take off again with him.

How did the Indian traveller become so obnoxious? Or is it just an extension of the Indian elsewhere, the man who will urinate against public walls, spit tobacco from a betel leaf out in the open and litter public spaces even when waste disposal is barely steps away.

The same individual who will not drive and drink in a foreign country will come back home and get behind the wheel while his consumed alcohol is way more than the permissibl­e level. A flight to India has sometimes been referred to as the punishment sector. The fusion of entitlemen­t, affordable air travel and a civic society where civility itself is the missing bone makes for a potent traveller.

Indecent behaviour cannot be covered up like slums in the country before a VIP visit, it shouldn’t be either. Name, shame and punish, that is the only deterrent.

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