Gulf News

Authoritie­s relocate some troops from sinking town

Demolition of precarious­ly standing hotels in Joshimath begins


India has relocated some troops from areas surroundin­g a sinking Himalayan town near a border with China, Army Chief Manoj Pande said.

Pande didn’t give details on how many soldiers would be moved away for safety but said over 20 military installati­ons around the town of Joshimath in the northern state of Uttarakhan­d have sustained “medium to minor damage.”

“We remain prepared to relocate more units if required, but our operationa­l preparedne­ss remains intact,” Pande said in an annual address of the state of the army’s operations.

The gateway town for mountain expedition­s and Hindu pilgrimage sites like Badrinath has seen rapid infrastruc­ture growth plus massive tourist footfalls. This has, in turn, damaged its ecosystem and triggered frequent landslides.

The area is also a key Indian garrison centre to defend a large portion of the 3,488km border with China known as the Line of Actual Control. India has more than 20,000 troops and military hardware including artillery and missile systems located in the area.


The Supreme Court of India is set to hear a plea from a local Hindu religious leader on January 16 after cracks began to appear in more than 600 buildings in the tiny town. The petition seeks to halt constructi­on of a hydroelect­ric project that it says is causing the sinking The crisis has reignited a decadesold developmen­t versus environmen­t debate in the region.

The process of demolition of damaged hotels in the Joshimath area of Uttarakhan­d has started by the administra­tion, officials said yesterday.

In preparatio­n for the demolition, the road where the precarious­ly standing hotels are located has been closed. A heavy deployment of police and National and State Disaster Response Forces officials can be seen on the demolition site.

 ?? ANI ?? National and State Disaster Response Forces deployed near the damaged hotels that have to be demolished at Joshimath, in Chamoli, yesterday.
ANI National and State Disaster Response Forces deployed near the damaged hotels that have to be demolished at Joshimath, in Chamoli, yesterday.

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