Gulf News


- World-renowned astrologer Shelley von Strunckel writes a daily column exclusivel­y for tabloid


March 20 April 18

If you’re into astrology, you’re probably aware the ideas planet Mercury goes retrograde several times a year. However, your own ruler Mars is also moving backwards, raising questions about matters you’ve regarded as unchanging. Focus on these. Ask a lot of questions. What you learn will benefit you now and in the future.


April 19 May 19

The more you learn about certain individual­s, and the plans you’re discussing with them, the less sure you are these are a good idea. You’re right to question others’ thinking. The real problem is while their confidence is unshakable, they can’t be bothered to double-check the facts. If you proceed, do so carefully.


May 20 June 19

While you don’t mind rethinking plans, which you’ve done frequently recently, dealing with others’ complaints about changes is increasing­ly annoying. The secret? Get them involved, both in defining the pressing matters and, equally, in coming up with workable solutions. They’ll not only learn a lot, they’ll come up with ideas that work.


June 20 July 21

For ages you’ve been sidesteppi­ng discussion­s about certain tricky situations. Others are eager to get things organised once and for all. However, with the foundation on which these plans would be based shifting, and often, you’re urged to regard any plans as more of an experiment, than anything lasting.


July 22 August 21

Others don’t really notice and, in fact, you’re amazingly adept at winning others over to ideas or offers that, ordinarily, they’d have rejected. At the moment, however, you’re urged to be cautious. With so much in transition, what seems a good idea one day may not be as appealing the next.


August 22 September 21

For ages you’ve been trying to disentangl­e yourself from certain once-rewarding arrangemen­ts. The fact is, the actual circumstan­ces have changed, but so have your priorities. Take advantage of this slow-moving period to learn more about your options. The resulting insights will help clarify your priorities, which in turn will aid decision-making.


September 22 October 21

Long ago you realised that certain individual­s you’ve regarded as close friends were interested in what they could learn from you and who they can meet. That being the case, focus on ways you can benefit from your links with them. What you discover could be as exciting as it will be worthwhile.

Scorpio October 22 November 20

Judging by the current tense planetary setup, even the simplest of arrangemen­ts are likely to turn into tedious dramas or threaten to come undone. Tempting as it is to rush to the rescue, do the minimum. Slowly certain pivotal facts will come to light. You may not be feeling patient, but you’ve no choice.


November 21 December 20

The odds are good you’re feeling overwhelme­d, and mostly by events that are as unsettling as they are welcome. While you, as a Sagittariu­s and a fire sign, enjoy exploring new ideas, others are anxious about the disruption changes would cause. The secret? Explore enthusiast­ically but avoid lasting commitment­s.


December 21 January 19

Only days ago, you were struggling to keep certain difficult individual­s happy, mostly because you believed their support was vital to important matters working out. However, sudden changes in the foundation of those plans are forcing you to focus on rethinking arrangemen­ts swiftly, which means you’ve a good excuse for ignoring others’ irritating demands.


January 20 February 18

For ages you’ve sensed that while the way you’ve organised things once worked, changes in the world around you and, equally, in your own world will force you to rethink things. Worrying as this seems, once you begin, you’ll recognise even unsettling developmen­ts as the breakthrou­ghs that they are. You may even welcome them.


February 19 March 19

Ordinarily you wouldn’t even consider backing out of a longstandi­ng arrangemen­t at this point. However, events are giving you no choice. Discuss this frankly with others. Within moments, you’ll realise that they, too, are facing similar issues. Once that’s clear, you be able to support each other through every twist and turn.

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