Gulf Today - Panorama




**** Others haye a lot to share. Fatigue plays a role in your dealings with a work related matter. Confusion surrounds you as well as others. Confirm meeting times, locations and any statements that seem off. Let a friend or partner take the lead for the moment. Tonight: in the limelight.


***** Pace yourself, and understand what is going on around you. See what might be the best way to proceed. Communicat­ion could run amok when dealing with a co worker or someone who plays a low key role in your daily life. Tonight: Return calls and emails irst.


***** Your imaginatio­n helps you come to terms with a wild person. Recognise what is happening around you, especially if a partner is being affected. Confusion marks the moment. Double check meeting places and any other key details. Tonight: Be your playful self.


*** Stay centred, and know what is happening behind the scenes. You could be tired of a partner distancing him or herself from you. A misunderst­anding starts up from out of nowhere. Know what you want. A situation easily could backfire. Tonight: Happiest at home.


**** Listen more carefully to what is occurring around you. You might feel as if everything is under control, but a surprise Visit could throw you off. Note when you feel out of sync. You might want to back off until you feel more centred. Tonight: With friends at a favourite haunt.


*** Be aware of the costs of proceeding as you haye been. Know that the budget you are in the process of making could be off. You cannot be too precise, especially if you are dealing with a child or loyed one. Confusion runs riot through your plans. Tonight: Use care with spending.


**** You will want to observe others more carefully what they say might not be what they mean. A loved one might not eyen be aware of what is happening or of the inconsiste­ncy in what he or she says. A friend or family member could be depressed. Tonight: Do your thing.


**** Listen to your inner Voice when dealing with a communicat­ion problem. Ask questions and seek clarity. You will get a positive response eventually. Understand that mixed messages are likely. What one person says could be sincere but off base. Tonight: Cozy up at home.


*** Emphasise your long term goals, no matter what kind of crosscurre­nts occur. <ou could feel inancially restricted and as if certain matters are out of your control. Listen to what someone shares, but know that you aren't getting the full story. Tonight: 2ut and about.


**** Listen to a higher up who can interpret what is going on far better than most people. :hat is happening could startle you and become a source of tension. 'ouble check any strange statement you hear, and don't let your mood be affected by present uproar. Tonight: 6ay ³yes.´


*** Listen to what a loyed one shares. (Yen if this person is no longer geographic­ally close to you, it doesn't mean that he or she doesn't understand what is happening. Confirm what you hear, as miscommuni­cation is likely. $ slight depression will pass. Tonight: Try out a new spot.


***** 2ne on one relating provides a lot of feedback. *iyen some time, you will see a situation differentl­y from how you do presently. 0ore informatio­n will come forward. Confusion surrounds communicat­ion. .now that this, too, will pass. Tonight: %e with a favourite person.

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