Gulf Today - Panorama



- By Maya Allen

Although it’s quite easy to indulge in all kinds of food, we all know that all grub is not created equal. For instance, superfoods aren’t dubbed “super” for no reason. They have the power to amp up our metabolism like no other. They pack maximum nutrients and minimal calories, making them the ultimate metabolism-boosting foods. Studies show that superfoods rich in antioxidan­ts and lavonoids can prevent heart disease, cancer,

decrease inlammatio­n, and improve your body’s immunity levels. We tapped certiied

raw-food chef and plantbased nutritioni­st Summer Sanders, who is the author of Raw plus Radiant, to break them down. “Superfoods are powerful nutrient-dense foods that with just one serving pack a major punch,” explains Sanders. “They typically have a high content of supportive antioxidan­ts, protein, omegas, minerals, ibre,

or other essential nutrients that are nurturing to your body. Different superfood foods have different superpower­s; some are incredible for anti-aging while others heal the gut or support metabolism.”

Integrativ­e nutrition health coach Holly Harding, AADP, founder of superfood skincare line O’o Hawaii, is also an advocate of illing your

body up with these nutrients, which will in turn keep your calorie intake in check. “Because they are nutrient-rich, they ill

you up faster and actually reduce your overall caloric intake,” explains Harding. “Many superfoods help increase blood circulatio­n, energy, cell renewal, and repair as well as hormonal imbalance. When these basic functions are improved, metabolism can increase.”

We also tapped certiied holistic health coach

and Raw Generation co-founder Jessica Rosen, along with nutritioni­st, certiied registered dietician, and 2B Mindset creator Ilana Muhlstein, to share the best superfoods to boost metabolism. Add these to your grocery list ASAP.


“Pineapple is high in manganese, which is an antioxidan­t-rich trace mineral that creates strong bones and increases collagen production,” explains Harding. “It also contains vitamin C and thiamin (B1), which is crucial in healthy cell

function and a healthy metabolism. But the most important health beneit of pineapple is its digestive enzyme known as bromelain. This enzyme breaks down protein molecules and has been determined to aid digestion and decrease inflammati­on. Healthy digestion is key to increasing metabolism.”


It’s “a key adaptogeni­c herb that can help those with both an underactiv­e and overactive thyroid as well as relieve adrenal fatigue, which can be a key in underactiv­e metabolism,” Harding says.

Sanders is also an advocate of this antioxidan­t. “Ashwagandh­a was a really healing superfood (root) for me after experienci­ng adrenal fatigue,” Sanders retells. “It is calming, balancing and potent. It helped me with my sleep, hormone production, and mood. It is another adaptogen, meaning it acts as a clean-up crew for your body, getting inside and making sure everything is balanced.”

Chilies, jalapenos, cayenne, and other hot peppers

“Cayenne peppers are a highly concentrat­ed source of capsaicin, which increases the body’s fat-burning rate,” explains Rosen. “Another weight-loss beneit of cayenne peppers is that they reduce your appetite and unhealthy cravings.”


“Berries are a powerful, health-boosting superfood,” says Rosen. “They are rich in metabolism-boosting ibre as well as free radical-ighting antioxidan­ts like vitamin C, which can beautify your skin and ight signs of aging.”

Matcha green tea

“Matcha green tea is a superfood that is packed with 137 times the antioxidan­ts of ordinary green tea,” says Rosen. “Matcha provides an abundance of antioxidan­t polyphenol­s called catechins, most notably, EGCG (epigalloca­techin gallate). EGCG increases thermogene­sis in the body, the process of burning calories in order to create heat. An increase in thermogene­sis boosts metabolism, speeding up the rate at which the body burns off fat. EGCG defends against the free radical damage that ages your body’s cells.”


“Maca is a superfood that’s been in my life since 2005,” says Sanders. “I used it to help balance my hormones after getting off of birth control pills. It’s known as an adaptogen, delivering amazing energy, a clear mental state and hormone balancing.

Whey protein

“Whey protein, found in protein shake powders, can be a powerful superfood for boosting metabolism,” explains Muhlstein. “Protein requires extra energy to break down, causing your body to burn excess calories and jolt your fat-burning potential. The lean protein can also stimulate our satiety hormones and contribute to feeling full and satis-fied which can prevent overeating. Whey protein also contains leucine, an amino acid that can help build muscle, which can improve our metabolic rate, aka speed in which we burn calories.”

Cruciferou­s vegetables

“Cruciferou­s veggies include a powerful list of vegetables in the cabbage family,” says Muhlstein. “This includes Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, cauliflowe­r, bok choy, and of course cabbage. These vegetables are very high in ibre, which can help absorb excess fat and calories and promote eliminatio­n. These vegetables also contain iron and calcium, and both minerals are essential for a healthy working metabolism.”

Flaxseeds and chia seeds

“Not only do these super seeds contain fat-burning protein, but they are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids,” describes Muhlstein. “These healthy fats have been shown to raise our fat-burning enzymes and promote a greater weight loss.”

Beans and lentils

“Beans and legumes, like lentils, are amazing for boosting metabolism,” says Muhlstein. “They are very rich in plant-based protein and iron, both essential for maintainin­g a healthy metabolism. Additional­ly, beans and legumes are rich sources of resistant starch. This starch is harder for the body to break down, meaning that it helps keep us fuller longer, can lower our blood sugar response, and encourage our body to burn more calories to break it down.”

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 ??  ?? Ashwagandh­a is a key adaptogeni­c herb that can help those with both an underactiv­e and overactive thyroid as well as relieve adrenal fatigue, which can be a key in underactiv­e metabolism.
Ashwagandh­a is a key adaptogeni­c herb that can help those with both an underactiv­e and overactive thyroid as well as relieve adrenal fatigue, which can be a key in underactiv­e metabolism.

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