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How are you taking care of your people during the current crisis?

Every emergency needs a great deal of empathy and compassion. We are in constant communicat­ion with our #LocalHeroe­s as we call our team at Gates Hospitalit­y, reaching out to them for whatever assistance feasible under the current pandemic and taking care of them. I am con dent that together we will all come out braver and stronger on the other side and be part of the revival journey unitedly.

What is your biggest lesson from the current crisis?

Some of the biggest lessons learnt are the critical need to engage with our customers, more than ever before the pandemic. There is a need to ensure maximum transparen­cy towards business stakeholde­rs, keeping the communicat­ion lines open with all stakeholde­rs, clients, workforce and make them part of our re-energised journey when there are glimpses of revival, sooner or later. Finally, taking good care of our energy levels and do not let the zeal and passion fade away, because this is a temporary pause mode and we will come through this – as we have in challenges in life.

What legacy do you want to leave behind?

Such a global disaster for all humanity has posed us with a di cult challenge not witnessed in the past century. Not giving up and hanging on with all might and passion is a long task – and the legacy I would like to propagate is of leading from the front and unitedly come out of the tunnel of darkness with zeal, enthusiasm and undying spirit with the assistance of my team and support of our stakeholde­rs.

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