Khaleej Times

Rohani says Iran will not give up its nuclear right

Uranium enrichment is a ‘red line’ that won’t be crossed


tehran — Iranian officials said on Sunday the country made progress with world powers during “serious” talks over Tehran’s nuclear programme, but insisted the nation cannot be pushed to give up uranium enrichment as negotiatio­ns move into tougher ground over ways to ease Western concerns that Iran could one day develop atomic weapons.

The remarks on enrichment repeat past declaratio­ns on the country’s “right” to produce nuclear fuel, which is a key element of the talks over its scope. But President Hassan Rohani and his top envoys seek to assure hard-line critics that Iran will not make sweeping concession­s in the negotiatio­ns, which ended without agreement in Geneva on Sunday and are scheduled to resume next week.

All sides proclaimed progress, but noted obstacles such as France’s worries over Iran’s enrichment levels and a planned heavy water reactor that produces plutonium byproducts. On Saturday, state TV lashed out at the French position, calling the country Israel’s “representa­tives” at the talks.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, in a posting on his Facebook page on Sunday, said there are “some problems” still to overcome, but called the latest round of negotiatio­ns with the six-nation group — the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany — “serious but respectful.”

The West and its allies fear Iran’s uranium enrichment labs could one day produce weapons-grade material. But, in an important shift, the US and others no longer appear to demand a complete halt to enrichment and are concentrat­ing on curbing the highest-level production, currently at 20 per cent. Such material is needed for Iran’s lone research reactor, which makes isotopes for medical treatments, but is only just several steps away from warhead level at more than 90 percent enrichment. Energy-producing reactors use uranium enriched at levels of about 3.5 per cent.

Iran insists it does not seek nuclear weapons and says its reactors are only for electricit­y and medical applicatio­ns.

In an address to parliament, President Rohani said uranium enrichment is a “red line” that can- not be crossed. “Nuclear rights in the internatio­nal framework, including uranium enrichment, on its soil” are not negotiable, Rohani was quoted as saying by the semioffici­al Isna news agency. “For us red lines are not crossable.” Iran claims it cannot be forced to give up enrichment because it has signed a UN treaty governing the spread of nuclear technology. The pact allows for enrichment under UN monitoring.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticised what he considers readiness by the six powers to be too generous to Tehran for not enough in return. The US and others are considerin­g easing economic sanctions in return for a possible suspension in 20 per cent enrichment.

Rohani said Iran is similar to other countries and “we are not ready to accept discrimina­tion, at all.”

“We have told the other party that threats, sanctions, humiliatio­n and discrimina­tion will not lead to an answer,” said Rohani.

In the latest Geneva rounds, which began on Thursday, there were growing expectatio­ns of an accord. France, however, would not soften its concerns, claiming the deal offered didn’t go far enough to trim Iran’s nuclear program.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told France-Inter Radio that his nation does not want to be part of a “con game.” He did not elaborate, but it appeared France wanted tougher constraint­s on a reactor that will make plutonium when completed, and on parts of Iran’s uranium enrichment programme.

The plutonium byproduct from the reactor can be used to make nuclear weapons, but the process to extract it requires specific technology that Iran currently does not possess.

As the talks foundered after initial signs of progress, US Secretary of State John Kerry rushed to Geneva on Friday, followed by counterpar­ts from Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany, to try to push through an agreement. Kerry said “significan­t progress” had been made on the remaining difference­s, but noted there were “certain issues that we needed to work through.” The next round of talks is set for Nov 20. —

 ?? AP ?? No concession in talks ... President Rohani. —
AP No concession in talks ... President Rohani. —

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