Khaleej Times



A win for the Bharathiya Janata Party and Narendra Modi as the prime minister of India will herald a dark future for the country. Modi has a trial to face on the Gujarat killings. The Gujarat case is hidden from the people of India.

Modu is aggressive by nature, but is talking nice things on the face of the people just to win the election.

Domestic politics is very strong in India and cannot be ignored. He is talking about amending the nuclear doctrine of India, which shows that he has no knowledge about nuclear politics, and is thus putting India at stake. Revisiting the nuclear doctrine shows that India is not capable enough to absorb the first strike and retaliate.

Further, it also shows that Modi is aggressive by nature and is not in favour of improving bilateral relations with neighbours.

Anoushka, by email

We can very well judge the BJP’s moves if it comes to power looking at the enthusiast­ic speeches and, of course, the past practices.

Doesn’t it look like India is living in a pre-partition time under the Congress? And now the BJP would come forward to remove the hidden shackles from the Hindus.

But Hindus are not the only community that lives in India. India is a secular country and there are several other religions. Despite being one of the top arms importers we cannot say that we are in the mood of war. India is not the only nuclear country in the region. There are two others in the region, and several across the world.

It’s time to get free from stereotype­d images of arch rivalry, hegemony and influence. We made our people suffer due to these expansioni­st ambitions into extreme poverty and starvation.

Mania, by email

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