Khaleej Times

Senate and National Assembly resolution­s condemn statements of Indian leaders

- Afzal Khan

islamabad — The Senate on Thursday passed a unanimous resolution strongly condemning recent provocativ­e statements made by Indian leaders, including the threat of incursion against Pakistani territory.

A report on Radio Pakistan said the resolution, which was moved by Leader of the House Raja Zafarul Haq, said Pakistan rejected India’s hegemonic mindset.

The resolution said that the House emphasises that Pakistan would never allow its territory to be violated by India under any pretext, and that Pakistan’s armed forces are capable of giving a befitting response to any such incursion.

The resolution stated that Indian statements confirmed the Pakistani government’s apprehensi­ons about Indian intentions to destabilis­e the country, and that the people of Pakistan stand shoulder to shoulder with their armed forces.

The Upper House of Parliament urged the internatio­nal community to take notice of India’s provocativ­e statements, which did not bode well for regional peace and affected prospects of sovereignt­y and stability.

The resolution stated the Indian provocatio­ns which undermined Pakistan’s anti-terror campaign are also aiding and abetting terrorists in Pakistan.

During the debate, the senators dubbed Indian PM a terrorist and mastermind of stupid statements. They also held him responsibl­e for Samjhota Express incident and Gujarat carnage.

The Senate said that Modi is killer of Gandhi and Indian people will soon besiege him. Indian interferen­ce in Balochista­n and other areas of Pakistan is intolerabl­e and the UN should take notice of it.

Meanwhile, the National Assembly on Thursday also passed a unanimous resolution condemning irresponsi­ble and hostile statements against Pakistan from the Indian leadership.

The resolution, moved by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, affirmed that Pakistan will never allow any country to violate its territory under any pretext.

It said people of Pakistan and armed forces are fully capable of protecting sovereignt­y, and territoria­l integrity of Pakistan and would give a befitting response to any hostility from India.

Through the resolution, the National Assembly urged the internatio­nal community, especially the United Nations, to take notice of such provocativ­e statements by Indian leadership

which not only negatively impact but are a direct threat for prospects of regional peace and stability.

The resolution said statements by Indian leaders call into question India’s desire to establish good neighbourl­y relations with Pakistan.

The House took serious exception to statement of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to Bangladesh in which he acknowledg­ed Indian Government’s conspiracy and involvemen­t in the events of 1971 in the then East Pakistan.

The resolution said such statements confirm Pakistan’s belief about past and present Indian involvemen­t in destabilis­ing Pakistan.

The resolution said it was an irony that Modi was making a case for India’s permanent membership of UN Security Council while it has been violating UN Security Council’s resolution­s on Jammu and Kashmir as well as interferin­g in the internal affairs of other states in violation of the UN charter.

It regretted that the Indian Prime Minister made such a statement in Bangladesh, which is aimed at stoking hatred against Pakistan. Indian attempts to sow seeds of discord between people of Pakistan and Bangladesh will never succeed.

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