Khaleej Times


Amir of Qatar visits UAE


His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, discussed in Abu Dhabi on Monday with the Amir of Qatar, His Highness Shaikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, ways to strengthen relations between the two countries, the latest regional developmen­ts and a number of issues of mutual interest. —

abu dhabi — His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, has discussed with His Highness Shaikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Amir of Qatar, ways to strengthen relations between the two countries, the latest regional developmen­ts and a number of issues of mutual interest.

The Abu Dhabi Crown Prince received the Amir of Qatar, who was in the UAE on a one-day fraternal visit.

During the meeting, Shaikh Mohammed bin Zayed said, “This visit reflects the depth of brotherly links between the two countries, which boost the GCC work towards more cohesive action that addresses the higher national interests of the GCC.”

They also tackled ways to enhance cooperatio­n in line with the aspiration­s of leaders and peoples of the two countries to achieve more prosperity.

The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi underlined that the relations between the GCC states are strong, interdepen­dent and serve the strategic objectives of the GCC. He noted that the UAE, led by the President, His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, “is working for closer solidarity and cooperatio­n among the GCC citizens in the face of all challenges and threats that affect the security and stability of the region”.

Thanks to their loyal sons, he said, the Gulf states are capable of facing all the challenges with full force, determinat­ion and toughness to protect the gains and achievemen­ts based on the historical legacy and values of fraternity, solidarity and common destiny.

Shaikh Tamim expressed delight on visiting the UAE, wishing it further progress and developmen­t under the leadership of Shaikh Khalifa. He stressed that the relations between Qatar and the UAE are fraternal and strong, based on kinship, love and cooperatio­n. He added that the two countries are keen on promoting and developing relations in all fields to serve the common interests.

The two sides stressed during the meeting the importance of working to strengthen the solidarity and unity of Arabs in the light of the challenges facing the region, and to support all the political and security efforts to maintain the security and stability of Arab countries, promote the developmen­t process and serve the aspiration­s of their peoples.

The two leaders stressed the depth of the fraternal ties that bind the two countries and vowed to ensure the developmen­t of relations in all fields as well as to continue coordinati­on and consultati­on regarding all issues of concern in order to achieve their interests and serve the march of the GCC.

The meeting was attended by Lt.-General Shaikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior; Shaikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Foreign Minister; other Shaikhs and senior officials.

Shaikh Tamim was accompanie­d by Dr Khalid bin Mohammed Al Attiyah, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Shaikh Joaan bin Hamad Al Thani, President of the Qatar Olympic Committee; and Fares bin Rumi Mohammed Al Nuaimi, Ambassador of Qatar to the UAE. —

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