Khaleej Times

Radar catches 268km/hr crazy drive

- Afkar Abdullah

sharjah — Speeding caused most of the fatalities in Sharjah road accidents last year and majority of the victims were youngsters, a top official has said.

Colonel Shawaf Abdull Rahman, director of the traffic and patrol department in Sharjah, said a speeding violation of 268kmph was detected by the radar in 2015. The cameras detected 3,560 speeding violations which reached 180kmph and 658 violations with a speed of 200kmph during a nationwide unified inspection campaign, Col. Rahman added.

Meanwhile, the Sharjah Police had carried out 20 inspection­s in areas and roads frequented by young drivers to drive recklessly for fun.

During the inspection­s, police seized 8,104 vehicles involved

In rECklEss DrIvInG, spEEDInG AnD JumpInG rED lIGHts.

Col. SHAwAF sAID spEEDInG In mAny CAsEs rEsultED In DrIvErs losInG Control, tHEIr vEHIClEs turnInG ovEr AnD CAusInG ImmEDIAtE DEAtH. It HAs Also CAusED run-ovEr ACCIDEnts In wHICH mAny pEoplE HAvE lost tHEIr lIvEs.

SomE DrIvErs Also Allow CHIlDrEn to sIt In tHE Front sEAt wHIlE DrIvInG, AnotHEr mAJor rEAson For CHIlDrEn DEAtHs on roADs.

MAJor MoHAmmED BIn KHAtEr, DIrECtor oF trAffiC AwArEnEss sECtIon, sAID tHE DEpArtmEnt Is plAnnInG to CArry out 20 AwArEnEss CAmpAIGns tHIs yEAr to rAIsE trAffiC sAFEty AwArEnEss AmonG motorIsts In SHArJAH to rEDuCE tHE numBEr oF ACCIDEnts.

THE pAtrols DIstrIButE­D ovEr 554,000 pAmpHlEts AmonG CollEGE stuDEnts ABout tHE DAnGEr oF rECklEss DrIvInG AnD spEEDInG DurInG lAst yEAr’s 19 AwArEnEss CAmpAIGns.

MAJor MoHAmmED sAID FAmIlIEs must Also EDuCAtE tHEIr CHIlDrEn ABout tHE DAnGErs oF spEEDInG.

ACCorDInG to ArtIClE No 6 oF tHE FEDErAl TrAffiC LAw, rECklEss DrIvEr wIll HAvE to pAy A finE oF DH2,000, tHE CAr wIll BE ImpounDED For 30 DAys AnD tHE DrIvEr wIll HAvE 12 BlACk poInts rECorDED In HIs/HEr trAffiC filE, HE ADDED.

THE ArtIClE Also stIpulAtEs tHAt A DrIvEr CAuGHt DrIvInG DAnGErousl­y wIll HAvE to pAy DH1,000 finE, GEt 12 BlACk poInts AnD tHE vEHIClE to BE ImpounDED For 30 DAys.

MotorIsts wHo ExCEED tHE spEED lImIt By 60kmpH wIll HAvE to pAy DH1,000 AnD tHE CAr wIll BE ImpounDED For 30 DAys AnD wIll rECEIvE 12 BlACk poInts.

ACCorDInG to ArtIClE 36, tHE ownErs oF CArs moDIfiED to CAusE AnnoyInG noIsE wIll HAvE to pAy DH500 AnD tHE vEHIClE wIll BE ImpounDED For 30 DAys.

THE offiCIAls urGED tHE puBlIC to Follow tHE rulEs to AvoID FAtAl ACCIDEnts AnD pEnAltIEs.

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