Khaleej Times

Taiwan claims ‘rock’ is Taiping island

- AP

taiping island — Taiwan flew internatio­nal media to its largest island holding in the South China Sea in a bid to reinforce its territoria­l claims in the disputed and increasing­ly tense region.

Deputy Foreign Minister Bruce Linghu, who led the trip, said he wanted to show that Taiping is an island capable of sustaining human habitation, and not simply a “rock” as the Philippine­s claims in a case brought before the Permanent Court of Arbitratio­n. Islands are entitled to an exclusive economic zone and other rights not enjoyed by mere rocks.

Two dozen journalist­s were flown to the island aboard a Taiwanese air force C-130 transport plane on Wednesday that landed on an airstrip guarded by coast guard sentries with rifles. They were shown the island’s post office, its fresh water well, the harbour and a traditiona­l Chinese temple.

The Philippine­s and Vietnam also claim Taiping. Critics say Manila is seeking to have Taiping designated a rock to avoid having to share an exclusive economic zone with its own nearby island of Palawan.

Speaking to reporters in Taipei following the trip, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou said he would invite Philippine government representa­tives, lawyers, and five members of the arbitratio­n commission to visit Taiping themselves to see that it is “an island with fresh water, capable of sustaining farm production, livestock and human life.”

The Philippine­s “remains ignorant” of conditions on Taiping and has “misled the arbiters with absurd reasoning,” Ma said.

Manila’s case, which has been rejected by China, aims to challenge Beijing’s blanket claim to virtually the entire South China Sea. Yet it threatens also to harm relations between the Philippine­s and fellow pro-US democracy Taiwan, which generally enjoy friendly neighbourl­y relations.

Taiwan, which lacks diplomatic ties to negotiate with the five other government­s with territoria­l claims in the South China Sea, has increasing­ly turned to public diplomacy to reinforce its own claims.

Ma paid a visit to Taiping in late January, drawing rare criticism from the United States, Taiwan’s key ally, which has urged all parties to avoid steps that might raise tensions. Although Taiwan’s claim to almost the entire region overlaps with China’s, Ma has sought to cast Taiwan as a peaceful, humanitari­an player in the region.

Taiwan operates a 10-bed hospital, a lighthouse and a fishing industry aid station on 46-hectare Taiping, also known as Itu Aba, which has a population of about 200 mostly coast guard personnel. —

 ?? AP ?? coast Guard commander Wand Mao-linand Deputy Foreign Minister Bruce linghu display locally grown vegetables to a group of visiting officials, scholars and media to taiping island. —
AP coast Guard commander Wand Mao-linand Deputy Foreign Minister Bruce linghu display locally grown vegetables to a group of visiting officials, scholars and media to taiping island. —
 ?? AP ?? an aerial view of taiwan-controlled taiping island, also known as itu aba, is seen in the spratly archipelag­o. —
AP an aerial view of taiwan-controlled taiping island, also known as itu aba, is seen in the spratly archipelag­o. —

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