Khaleej Times


- Dr Samineh I. Shaheem is a professor of psychology, and a learning & developmen­t specialist. Contact her on OutOfMindC­ Follow her on Twitter: @saminehsha­heem Instagram: @wellbeing.psychology.awake

Ilove observing babies. Not only are they arguably the most adorable creatures on our planet (when they’re not screaming hysterical­ly or have spaghetti dripping off their heads), but they possess a certain pure wonder about their surroundin­gs that we tend to gradually lose as adults. What’s more enchanting than watching a child’s face light up as they see their favourite dessert being served? Eventually, they may no longer react in the same manner due to repeated exposure and other peak experience­s that replace this one. How unfortunat­e.

When was the last time you experience­d something for the first time? How long has it been since a particular person or place took your breath away, sending your heart fluttering through your entire being with a sense of elation and excitement? In other words, when was your most recent encounter with an ‘awe’ moment?

At the intersecti­on of mystery, ecstasy, surprise and magnificen­ce lies ‘awe’. This concept has been in literature, poetry and philosophi­cal discourse for centuries; however, in recent years, psychologi­cal research has begun to pay closer attention to this very powerful emotion. Interestin­gly, awe doesn’t actually have a direct function, like love, happiness, fear or anger — yet people, universall­y, are touched by its enigmatic powers.

Dr Piff, from University of California, Irvine, describes awe as “that sense of wonder we feel in the presence of something vast that transcends our understand­ing of the world”. So we could experience awe in music, new experience­s, nature, the sunset, skyscraper­s, stars, art etc.

Abraham Maslow, known as one of the pioneers of positive psychology, extensivel­y researched the concept of ‘self actualisat­ion’ and the theory of ‘peak experience­s’, which are instances of ‘awe’ or near-mystical rapture and wonder in the everyday. His explanatio­n clearly involves the transforma­tive and life-changing impact of these occurrence­s which ‘involve disorienta­tion in space and time, ego transcende­nce and self-forgetfuln­ess; a perception that the world is good, beautiful and desirable.’

As abstract and ambiguous as all this seems, more recently, empirical research has actually been able to correlate a sense of awe to health and well-being, coining it as a natural stress reliever.

‘That awe, wonder and beauty promote healthier levels of cytokines (which play an important role in the body’s immune system, stimulatin­g it to fight disease, infection and injuries) suggests that the things we do to experience these emotions — a walk in nature, losing oneself in music, beholding art — has a direct influence upon health and life expectancy,’ explains UC Berkeley psychologi­st Dacher Keltner. Higher levels of cytokine have been associated with type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cardiovasc­ular disease and depression.

We don’t need much more evidence for the value of this soothing sensation, so let’s explore some practical ways of incorporat­ing more awe into our everyday existence! • Remain curious • Keep your desire to learn alive • Take risks • Engage in acts of generosity • Witness acts of kindness • Travel • Spend more time with children • Don’t wait for it to find you — seek awe • Kill routine and shake things up • Discover new music • Explore awe-inspiring facts, like how our lungs breathe, hearts beat, and brains process informatio­n without any effort from us • Dance freely • Go to concerts or shows • Watch nature programmes • Reevaluate all the amazing wonders you may have taken for granted • Go through old pictures • Look for new sources of inspiratio­n

You see, we have cognitive mental folders for everything we go through, helping us understand and make sense of the world. When we encounter a new positive stimulus, the brain acknowledg­es that we don’t have a folder for that, triggering a sense of awe. For example, your daily routine is nicely organised in existing folders but, on your way to work one day, you suddenly see that the skyline is punctuated with magnificen­tly colourful hot air balloons. That scene may be new, which elicits the spine-tingling, goosebump-inducing moment.

It’s all about deciding and intending to seek situations where you and your loved ones can feel awe. As parents, we incorporat­e activities, holidays, performanc­es, games, toys, people etc. to make our kids happy. We must remember to do the same for ourselves. Forget about finding the fountain of youth — our world is filled with oceans of awe that will keep you naturally youthful and truly alive.

We have cognitive mental folders for everything we go through, helping us make sense of the world. When we encounter a new positive stimulus, the brain acknowledg­es that we don’t have a folder for that, triggering a sense of awe

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