Khaleej Times

Residents alerted on ransom-seeking virus

- Mustafa Al Zarooni malzarooni@khaleejtim­

abu dhabi — First it will creep into your online accounts, then seek ransom: This is the latest virus attack spreading around the world, which is believed to have reached the UAE.

Public Prosecutio­n in Abu Dhabi has warned the public to take an extra caution while opening links attached to e-mails from unknown sources, as it may contain the “Ransonware”.

As a precaution, it’s better to avoid such emails even though the file seems important or “curiously interestin­g”.

The Public Prosecutio­n also warned the public of falling prey to global electronic gangs, who resort to “Ransomware” for extortion.

“The said virus creeps into the computers and smart phones of individual­s and corporatio­ns by hunting messages or electronic programs that encrypt all the informatio­n available on their computers in a way that prevent them from accessing those details.

“Then they (the scammers) communicat­e with the victims and blackmail them to pay amounts of money in exchange of retrieving their stored data.”

The Public Prosecutio­n urged the public not to heed to demands of such ‘extorters’ who seek payment against recovering files,

Offenders will get jail term of up to three years and a fine of not more than Dh1 million if they access others data for themselves or others illegally.”

Public prosecutio­n

who can easily access their informatio­n again. Residents were also asked to avoid replying to messages which they receive from unreliable source. Reading such mails before deleting is also not advisable, according to the Public Prosecutio­n.

“The most important precaution­ary measure, which everyone should adopt, is to using genuine anti-viruses and update them continuous­ly,” the Public Prosecutio­n said.

The UAE’s cyber crime law criminalis­e any entry to others’ accounts without permission with an intention to destruct, change, copy or publishing them. The penalty will be stricter in case these informatio­n, in question of the crime, are personal ones.

“Offenders will get jail term of up to three years and a fine of not more than Dh1 million if they access others data for themselves or others illegally through any means of IT facilities,” the Public Prosecutio­n said.

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