Khaleej Times



When it comes to desserts in Dubai, you’re spoilt for choice. Last weekend, at

on Marina Walk, we ordered the only one on the menu (Dh27) but it was sold out. We returned for it the next evening. And turns out, it has a nice enough digestive biscuit base, even though they’re a wee bit stingy with the berries on top. Now, as you might know, there are two types of cheesecake­s: baked and unbaked. One measure of how good a cheesecake is, whether baked or unbaked, is the consistenc­y and the lightness of texture. If you happen to be craving cheesecake that doesn’t coat the roof of your mouth, then apart from the usual

and a few of our favourites. (044390505, DIFC) does a glorious gâteau au fromage blanc for Dh45 (

(044252240, Souk Al Bahar and Dubai Marina) has a classic baked cream cheesecake for Dh30. And there’s the old faithful,

043517009, BurJuman and elsewhere in UAE) that earns repeat business from us solely on account of the Dh18 blueberry cheesecake. With luck though, you know someone who makes divine cheesecake at home, and can give the pros a run for their money!

here are

any Le Petit Maison (04439 0505,

DIFC) How many times in a public washroom have you seen and heard people yank reams of paper out of the towel dispenser with zero perceptibl­e guilt, as if they’d do it again half an hour later? Chances are you’ve been there, and haven’t ticked off anyone. But, did you know, Americans use at least 13 billion paper towels every year. And that stat has been around for a while, so add a few thousand more to that. The other sobering figure is that reducing even just one paper towel per person per day (in the US)

Listen to this brilliant, if obvious, short TED talk by Joe Smith ( bit. ly/1PQkJfG), where he gently outlines two very simple, obvious steps — which we in the UAE could well follow: shake, and fold, i.e., shake off all the water from palms; and then, fold the tissue twice, thrice, so it absorbs more water. Instill these basic learnings in your kids so that they at least learn to give a hoot. If, for the sake of environmen­t, one has to be a pedant, so be it. As far as adults go, start giving out eco lessons the next time you’re in a mall and someone’s going at the dispenser just for the fun of it.

roughly 5 million trees.

could save

 ??  ?? GO GREEN

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