Khaleej Times

A display of Arab military might


When the Arab coalition led by the UAE and Saudi Arabia entered Al Mukalla and drove out Al Qaeda terrorists, (800 militants were also killed) they were sending out a message that no brand of terrorism would be tolerated in Yemen. Al Qaeda had exploited the Arab offensive against the Houthis in the south and north to take control of the strategic town. The Saudis provided air cover for the offensive, which saw Emirati troops join other Arab forces to rout Al Qaeda in the town and drive them out of the area. There are no good, bad or moderate terrorists, and the coalition believes the wider war on terror should encompass all groups fomenting trouble in the country and across the world. Recent military gains in Yemen have enabled the Hadi government to start work from Aden, but the challenge is to provide aid to the suffering in affected regions of the country, which has seen nothing but benumbing violence over decades. For enduring peace, terror groups of every hue must be wiped out. Infrastruc­ture must be rebuilt from scratch and Yemenis have a right to enjoy the fruits of prosperity long denied to them by seekers of hate.

A stable Yemen is vital for the world roiled by political and economic upheavals. The Arab coalition consider it their duty to rebuild the country and its institutio­ns. Hence, fighting terror in all pockets is important to ensure ordinary Yemenis keep their faith in peaceful developmen­t and do not stray into the wilderness of violence. Breaking the back of Al Qaeda in Al Mukalla will open the area to economic growth once humanitari­an aid pours in. Militants in the port city had funded their activities through illegal oil sales (80 per cent of the country’s oil is exported through Al Mukalla). Now, the Arab coalition have a firm footing in the area — they are positioned to fight militancy on all fronts. It shows determinat­ion and resolve to get the job done. More importantl­y, it is a display of Arab military might. Terror groups have no place to hide in Yemen.

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