Khaleej Times

So what can you do to ensure you are fit to get fit?


There are some medical conditions to be aware of before exercising, and you should always consult a doctor if you suffer from these, or have a family history of them, just to make sure it is okay to start training.

• High blood pressure

• Heart or circulatio­n conditions or previous heart attack

• Family history of heart disease or heart attack

• Family history of strokes

• Diabetes — Are you insulin dependent or controlled by diet?

• Asthma

• Stress or depression that involves taking prescribed medication It is worth getting a check-up with a doctor if you are over 35 or have been inactive for a long period of time.

When you join a fitness club or gym, you will be asked complete a medical history form and it is essential that you declare any medical conditions you have or had in the past, and any medication that you are taking. Keep the club/ gym updated on any changes too. It helps them to help you.

Diabetes is a huge issue in the Middle East. Blood sugar levels are lowered during exercise, and this can really help sufferers of Type II diabetes who usually control their disease by diet. A well planned exercise programme will improve not only fitness but their quality of life by reducing their blood sugar levels in a natural, healthy way.

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