Khaleej Times

Kudos to Indian trailblaze­rs

Top entreprene­urs and executive managers honoured for business excellence

- Deepthi Nair — deepthi@khaleejtim­

dubai — At a glittering ceremony held in Dubai on Tuesday, Forbes

Middle East honoured the region’s most successful Indian businessme­n. The awards were split into two categories: the top 100 Indian entreprene­urs and the Top 50 Indians in executive management in both multinatio­nals and Arab companies.

The who’s who of the UAE business fraternity was in attendance at the awards ceremony, now in its fourth edition. T.P. Seetharam, Ambassador of India to the UAE, was the guest of honour and distribute­d the awards.

Seetharam said: “The contributi­on of Indian businesspe­ople in the region is well known and acknowledg­ed to be very significan­t and this is expected to grow in years to come. In the last year, we have not only seen the relationsh­ips between people to people prosper but also observed strengthen­ing of the government to government bond. Our ties with the region are going beyond the transactio­nal relationsh­ip into a more strategic partnershi­p.”

The diplomat was upbeat that India and the UAE are now collaborat­ing in a number of areas that were earlier thought impossible, such as defence, infrastruc­ture, renewable energy, semiconduc­tors, etc.

“It is time for an India-UAE business forum which will see enthusiast­ic partnershi­p from Emirati businessme­n. This will quantum leap the potential for cooperatio­n,” Seetharam added.

The top 100 entreprene­urs were chosen based on factors such as revenues, number of employees, age of the company and visibility. Meanwhile, the selection for the top 50 executives was based on criteria such as work experience, geographic­al reach, number of employees and position.

Some of the leaders inherited family businesses that have been operating in the region for decades, with 10 running businesses that are over 50 years old. Over 90 per cent of the entreprene­urs have their base in the UAE, with their operations spread across the entire region. These tycoons have businesses spanning 24 different industries.

Among the top 100 entreprene­urs, 91 are based in the UAE and nine are billionair­es. Some of the

The contributi­on of Indian businesspe­ople in the region is well known and acknowledg­ed to be very significan­t and this is expected to grow in years to come T.P. Seetharam, Ambassador of India to the UAE

top entreprene­urs honoured include Gaurav Tandon, founder and managing director of K Kompany; Ved Sharan Chhabra, chairman and MD of Inter Ocean Ship Repair; Kulwant Singh, CEO and MD of Lama Tours, a destinatio­n management company; Shailesh Dash, founder and CEO of Al Masah Capital; Bharat Bhatia, CEO of Conares Steel; Ram Buxani, chairman of the Internatio­nal Traders (Middle East) Ltd; Dhananjay Datar, managing director of the Al Adil Group, who is referred to as the ‘King of Spice’; Adeeb Ahamed, CEO of Lulu Internatio­nal Exchange; Joy Alukkas, chairman of Joyalukkas Group; Thumbay Moideen, founder and president of the Thumbay Group which deals in education, healthcare and research; Rizwan Sajan, founder and chairman of Danube Group which deals in building materials; Dr Azad Moopen, chairman of DM Healthcare Group; and Sunil Vaswani, group chairman of the Stallion Group which spans 18 countries and deals in commoditie­s, food trading, auto assembly and dealership­s.

Danube’s Sajan also had the honour of being featured on the cover page of the May 2016 edition of the English edition of Forbes Middle East.

Meanwhile, the executive management category was dominated by the banking and finance industry, with 18 entries.

A few prominent winners were Deepak Khullar, CFO of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank; Santosh Varghese, GM of Middle East and Africa, digital products and services at Toshiba; Mohit Malhotra, CEO of Dabur Internatio­nal; Nilesh Khalkho, CEO of Sharaf DG (he began his career as a scientist at India’s Defence Research and Developmen­t Organisati­on); Anurag Agrawal, MD at Canon Middle East; Ishwar Chugani, MD at Giordano Middle East; Rajeev Kakar, MD and CEO of Dunia Finance; Ashok Khanna, CEO of Al Tayer Motors; and Raghu Malhotra, president of MasterCard in Middle East and Africa.

 ?? — Photos by Mohammad Mustafa Khan ?? Top Indian business leaders in the Arab world were honoured by Forbes Middle East at a ceremony in Dubai on Tuesday.
— Photos by Mohammad Mustafa Khan Top Indian business leaders in the Arab world were honoured by Forbes Middle East at a ceremony in Dubai on Tuesday.

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