Khaleej Times

Is Obama’s Hiroshima visit more about politics than peace?


Roland Kelts

As Japanese parse the meaning President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima, virtually all agree it’s historic. But that is where the consensus ends. Obama did not apologize for the atomic bombs dropped in August 1945 over Hiroshima and Nagasaki — which was expected. Japan is acutely sensitive to its history as the only nation to have experience­d the devastatio­n of nuclear weapons. Memorial ceremonies take place every August and are broadcast solemnly on network television.

Yet Obama’s visit shines a spotlight on uncomforta­ble and potentiall­y unanswerab­le questions about a deeper national identity crisis stemming from World War II: Was Japan primarily an aggressor or a victim?

The story wasn’t always so fraught. Japanese largely appreciate­d Obama’s stated desire to rid the world of nuclear weapons, an ambition for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2009, when Obama said he would like to visit Hiroshima, where 60,000 to 80,000 people were killed instantly by the bomb, designer Issey Miyake, a Hiroshima native, penned an op-ed for The New York Times, revealing publicly for the first time his experience of the bomb at age 7, and the death of his mother three years later from radiation exposure. (To this day, Miyake walks with a limp from an injury sustained during the bombing.)

Miyake urged Obama to “walk across the Peace Bridge in Hiroshima” as “a symbolic step toward creating a world that knows no fear of a nuclear threat.”

“Miyake’s article, in my view, was the starting point of this Obama Hiroshima story,” says Norhiro Kato, a literary critic and former professor emeritus at Waseda University. “But now, nobody seems to remember it.”

The Japanese government was less enthusiast­ic. Wikileaks published a 2009 State Department cable in which Japan’s vice-minister for foreign affairs told John Roos – who became the first US ambassador to attend the annual commemorat­ion in 2010 – that the proposed visit was a “nonstarter.” The government feared that it would embolden both those opposed to the US-Japan military alliance and anti-nuclear groups.

But on the eve of the 70th anniversar­y of Japan’s World War II surrender last summer, the administra­tion of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe officially reiterated its stance that Japan would never demand a US apology for the atomic bombs, highlighti­ng an even starker fear: that an apology from an American president could set off a domino effect of apologies, sending Japanese officials to places like Nanjing, the Philippine­s, and Seoul to atone for war crimes of their own.

Today, with China conducting ever more elaborate military maneuvers in the South China Sea, and North Korea boasting of enhanced nuclear capabiliti­es, Abe is passing legislatio­n to beef up Japan’s own arsenal of defensive and offensive options. A key part of that effort involves bolstering its strategic alliance with the US.

“The Abe administra­tion welcomes Obama’s visit today as long as it is profitable for them,” says Kato, “especially for their upcoming elections. As long as it will do more good to them than harm, and not empower the domestic peace and anti-Abe, anti-US movements.”

American peace activist Steven Leeper, a longtime Hiroshima resident who worked alongside former mayor Tadatoshi Akiba for several years as chairman of the city’s Peace Culture Foundation, believes that both sides are spinning the visit to serve their own political ends.

“I’m afraid that this is going to be used by the Abe administra­tion as evidence of how the militarist changes he’s been making, the cabinet resolution­s and secrecy laws, is bringing Japan so close to the US that the president is even willing to go to Hiroshima,” he says. “‘See how we are reconcilin­g thanks to our military cooperatio­n?’ So the whole thing becomes an advertisem­ent for militarism, when it needs to be built instead on a more peaceful and goal-oriented antinuclea­r platform.”

The Obama administra­tion has tacitly and sometimes openly supported Abe’s hawkish legislativ­e actions, praising its ally for responding to the threat of terrorism by seeking to amend its war-renouncing constituti­on, and to the need for tighter security measures through the recently passed state secrets law, which enables the government to punish journalist­s or others who breach it.

“Obama, too, is saying we’re getting closer to Japan and putting an emphasis on that relationsh­ip,” he says, adding that “[the Hiroshima visit] is a win-win for both administra­tions.”

At least one group in Japan is welcoming Obama with nearly unconditio­nal gratitude. The hibakusha, survivors of the bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, many of whom suffer the effects of radiationb­orne illnesses and are in their twilight years, have waited lifetimes to show an American president the damage inflicted by the bomb, in the hope that the US leader will convey their stories to the rest of the world. Many are referring to Obama’s visit as a “first step” in a long process of understand­ing and healing.

For many hibakusha, the first visit to Hiroshima by a sitting US president is seen as a first step toward a nuclear-free future.”

Hiroshima’s Michiko Kodama was seven years old when she was pulled from the rubble strewn across the city. “What’s matters is what he does after he returns to his country,” she told the AP. “When he returns home after witnessing the impact of nuclear weapons, I hope he will use his remaining power to convey that the world should not possess nuclear weapons. That is what I hope to see.”

Christian Science Monitor

The US has tacitly and sometimes openly supported Abe’s hawkish legislativ­e actions

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