Khaleej Times

Why is the race to the White House so close?

- Elizabeth Drew

Many people around the world are probably wondering why Hillary Clinton – who is obviously more prepared and better suited for the American presidency than her opponent, Donald Trump – isn’t waltzing to victory. Many Americans share the world’s bewilderme­nt.

National opinion polls may well continue to fluctuate until the election on November 8. But Trump has been closing in on Clinton in recent weeks, even threatenin­g to catch up with her in the Electoral College vote, where the Democrats’ control of some of the most populous states (New York and California) give Clinton an advantage. Why is this happening?

For starters, Trump, despite knowing almost nothing about governance or public policy, has managed to consolidat­e most Republican­s behind him. One motivation is Republican­s’ long-held hatred of Clinton. Another is the Supreme Court; the court already has one vacant seat for the next president to fill and is likely to have more over the next four years.

Trump has also exploited many Americans’ economic anxieties, tapping the same anti-immigrant, antielite rage that is sweeping across European countries. But Trump cannot win by appealing only to white men without a college degree. So he has been clumsily trying to suggest that he also cares about African Americans and Latinos – not by talking to AfricanAme­rican and Latino voters, but by speaking in exaggerate­d stereotype­s about them to white audiences. Not surprising­ly, African-Americans and Latinos consider his comments insensitiv­e and patronizin­g; white women – his real target audience – haven’t yet been persuaded, either.

Meanwhile, Clinton is having her own difficulti­es reconstruc­ting President Barack Obama’s coalition of women, African Americans, Latinos, and millennial­s. Many young people who passionate­ly supported Clinton’s Democratic primary opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders, have ignored Sanders’s own admonition­s to support Clinton, and are saying that they’ll vote for third-party candidates, which would help Trump.

Since the two major parties’ national convention­s in July, each candidate has alternatel­y made gains and suffered losses. This month, just as Trump was rising in the polls, he attempted to separate himself from the racist “birther” movement, which

Trump’s recent polling gains say less about his improvemen­t as a candidate

falsely claims that Obama – America’s first black president – wasn’t born in the United States, and thus was ineligible for the presidency.

Trump’s remarks, terse and grudging, reminded everyone that he himself was one of the loudest “birthers” of all. His damage-control effort further backfired, because he falsely claimed that Clinton and her 2008 presidenti­al campaign had started the birther rumor. Many news outlets finally used the word “lie” in their coverage of Trump, who had gone essentiall­y unchalleng­ed on past fabricatio­ns.

Trump’s recent polling gains say less about his improvemen­t as a candidate than they do about Clinton’s own weaknesses and bad luck. Outside her base of passionate loyalists, Clinton has always had a voter-enthusiasm problem. She comes across to many as a packaged know-it-all, the super-smart girl who put off the boys in school. And she confronts a fair amount of sexism, even among her supporters.

But Clinton has also created some of her own problems. Her poor judgment in using a private email server as Secretary of State, thereby risking the disclosure of classified material, has become a chronic burden for her campaign. She compounded the problem when she claimed, falsely, that her predecesso­rs had done the same thing, and that State Department security officials had cleared it. And, unlike Trump, she received no deference from the press on this issue.

The email saga added to voters’ long-held impression that Clinton isn’t “honest and trustworth­y,” and it exposed her to attacks from adversarie­s on the right. The highly conservati­ve advocacy group Judicial Watch has continuall­y called attention to the issue, forcing the disclosure of emails that Clinton hadn’t turned over to the State Department. (The FBI found nearly 15,000 emails on Clinton’s server that she hadn’t provided.) Numerous as-yet-undisclose­d emails with the potential to damage Clinton may well be released before the election.

While FBI Director James Comey decided not to recommend prosecutio­n of Clinton for the email issue, he hurt her campaign by commenting that she’d been “extremely careless.”

A new issue for Clinton arose in August, when the Associated Press reported that numerous donors to the Clinton Foundation had received special treatment by the State Department during Clinton’s tenure there, mainly by winning an appointmen­t with her. But many of these people would have received an appointmen­t anyway; and there is no evidence that State Department policies were changed as a result.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post has begun to report on questionab­le – possibly illegal – expenditur­es by Trump’s own charitable foundation. Trump, who hadn’t donated to his foundation since 2008, subsequent­ly used its funds to buy personal items (including a six-foot portrait of himself) and to pay legal settlement­s. Previously, it had also been disclosed that funds from the Trump Foundation had been used to contribute to the election campaigns of attorneys-general in Florida and Texas, which would also be illegal.

Finally, Clinton had the bad luck of falling ill, with cellphone video showing her nearly collapsing as she left early a ceremony in New York City commemorat­ing the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack. This added further fuel to right-wing media speculatio­n that she is in poor health; Trump added the sexist charge that she lacks the “stamina” to be president.

After initially claiming exhaustion, Clinton’s camp revealed that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier. Clinton’s four-day convalesce­nce came just as she was preparing to make the case for why people should vote for her, rather than why they shouldn’t vote for Trump. Just as she resumed campaignin­g, there were bombings in New York and New Jersey, and two more police shootings of unarmed African Americans, which spurred demonstrat­ions in North Carolina, a swing state. The events took over the national dialogue, with Trump, as usual, playing on racial divisions and blaming Obama and Clinton.

Face-to-face debates tend to play a large (even excessive) role in shaping US elections. It would be unwise to call this election over before it is.

Elizabeth Drew is a regular contributo­r to The New York Review of Books and the author, most recently, of Washington Journal: Reporting Watergate and

Richard Nixon’s Downfall

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