Khaleej Times

Dress up properly to get your dream job!

- Rohma Sadaqat

dubai — Get up every morning and take the time and effort to dress as if you are going to be meeting the person that will offer you your dream job — there is a chance it could happen, says Sara AlMadani, board member of the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

AlMadani highlighte­d the importance of dressing profession­ally at work. “Our clothes communicat­e; they have a language. Whether it is fair or not, people do judge us based on the clothes that we wear, and what they see. That being said, I am not going to say that our clothes define us as human beings, or that they define our values as a person.”

“When I say looking good, I don’t mean looking good as social media shows us,” she clarifies. “I’m talking about looking profession­al and wearing clothes that make you feel good about yourself. I tell everybody that I work with that when you wake up in the morning, before putting on your work clothes, put on your confidence; because, without confidence you aren’t going anywhere. What boosts your confidence is your appearance and the clothes that you are wearing.”

What if one day you bump into someone at work that might be your future boss? What if you bump into someone that has the power to change your life? How do you want to be dressed when something like that happens? These are the questions that should motivate you into dressing well for work, she says.

“If there is a job that you really want, then wake up every day and dress as if you have that job. I’m not saying you should look as if you have stepped off the cover of a magazine, but take the effort to look clean and well put together,” said AlMadani.

— rohma@khaleejtim­

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