Khaleej Times

Changes in UAE law a step towards healthier society

- jasmine@khaleejtim­ Jasmine Al Kuttab

abu dhabi — Legal experts in the UAE have praised amendments made in the UAE Penal Code, suggesting that it is a positive step towards a healthier society.

Under the new law, offenders convicted with minor offences that were punishable by not more than six months or a fine, will instead do community service of up to three months.

The law, which was issued by the President, His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and will take effect from November 2016, stipulates that the Ministry of Justice, along with the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Emiratisat­ion and Human Resources, will determine the community service given. Services include voluntary work, house arrest, rehabilita­tion programmes, curfew hours, as well as cleaning of public areas.

Furthermor­e, the chief legal representa­tive of the prosecutio­n will oversee the given service, while the court could determine a similar jail sentence term, if those convicted do not abide by the specified community service. Emirati lawyer Ali Al Abadi praised the penal code overhaul, pointing out that such restorativ­e justice would help the offender become a better person.

“The law changes are a positive step, and although some offenders may see community service as a lenient punishment, it is actually very beneficial for them.

“Community work will teach offenders that providing a helping hand to both the country, as well as their communitie­s is vital.”

Also amended was the Federal Decree No. 14 for 1995, pertaining to countermea­sures against narcotic drugs and substances.

First time offenders charged under the anti-narcotics law will have a downgraded jail term from four years to two years, while the attorney-general, with advice from prosecutor­s and police, can send the offender to rehabilita­tion, which has also been reduced to a minimum of two years from a previous three years, instead of having the case go to court.

Moreover, substance abusers, who are handed to rehabilita­tion by a family member and remains in treatment until clearance is issued, will not face a penalty. The recent changes in the anti-narcotics law are also smart initiative, explained Al Abadi. “Sending drug offenders to rehabilita­tion will immensely ease any overcrowdi­ng in prisons.”

He noted that receiving the proper care and treatment in rehabilita­tion centres could help drug addicts take back control of their life and start anew, instead of simply serving a jail sentence, among serial criminals.

“Rehab can have a huge effect on shaping an individual, and it is often more successful in the long run, than a jail sentence.”

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