Khaleej Times

Love for the UAE in vibrant shades

- Ankita Chaturvedi

dubai — In an exhibition-cumaward ceremony organised at the Indian Consulate on Saturday, almost 100 artworks created by students from Dubai, Sahrjah and Abu Dhabi were displayed. The art competitio­n was organised ahead of the UAE National Day by a Dubai-based Palette Art training and consultanc­y on the theme “Images of UAE”. Eighteen winners were selected from among 435 paintings from almost 23 schools across Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi. The occasion was graced by Indian artist Akbar Saheb and specialist event manager for schoolgoin­g children, and Najwa Al Rahma, managing director of Lino Nino’s Event management.

The contest was divided into two categories — group 1 (age 8-12) and group 2 (13-17). Apart from awarding the best three students in each category there were special prizes for creativity, skill, concept and compositio­n. Students attempted to showcase the country’s unique nature through vibrant shades.

“The idea behind the art competitio­n is to bring out the student’s love for their country of residence. It was difficult for us to select the winners as each painting reflected imaginatio­n, an idea and individual­ity,” said Ritwika Chaudhuri, founder director of the Palette Art Training and Consultanc­y to Khaleej Times.

“We would like to take this initiative forward and make it an annual event. It will give young and budding artist based in the UAE a platform to become creative with their pen and brush. Hopefully, we will see more schools participat­ing next year,” she added.

Daya Shakir from Our Own English High School, Sharjah, winner of a special prize for concept from group 1 made a sketch of people standing outside the mosque. “I started painting as a hobby as I used to enjoy it but now I am getting more inclined towards it,” she said.

Aadila Nazeer from Sheffield School, Dubai, another winner for the concept in the same group, showed a mix of the old and new in her painting with the Metro, Burj Khalifa and other historical places. Her mother, Nadjla Nazeer, thinks art is the best way to express one’s creativity in this technology driven world. “It also instills lots of patience in a person and that’s an added value in the growth of the personalit­y,” she said.


 ?? —Supplied photo ?? City School, Ajman, which will follow the CBSE curriculum, has started enrolling students for the coming academic year.
—Supplied photo City School, Ajman, which will follow the CBSE curriculum, has started enrolling students for the coming academic year.
 ??  ?? Glimpse of Emirati Culture — an eagle, desert, people and a ship.
Glimpse of Emirati Culture — an eagle, desert, people and a ship.
 ??  ?? Iconic buildings of the country, all within a half moon.
Iconic buildings of the country, all within a half moon.

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