Khaleej Times

Supermoon renews our date with space


Skywatcher­s in the UAE were in for a big treat last night: a spectacula­r supermoon. Described by the US space agency Nasa as ‘undeniably beautiful’, the supermoon appeared 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than usual — though the human eye is barely able to discern that difference. The Dubai Astronomy Group hosted a major event at Mushrif Park between 7pm and 10pm. Telescopes were provided for extra special viewing. Stargazers around the country witnessed the spectacle during which the moon appeared supersized and majestic.

Human fascinatio­n with space and heavenly bodies goes a long way. Since times immemorial societies around the world have looked at the enormity and vastness of the night sky. Over time humans have become acquainted with the positions of stars. The moon — and its various shapes — has especially intrigued man. Being the closest major celestial object to Earth, human quest to study the moon has been the key towards addressing the fundamenta­l questions about our place in the universe and the history of our solar system. What is more, the moon has found innumerabl­e mentions in art and literature over the millennia. The romance continues till date. On November 14 — around the world — and in the UAE, families, astronomy enthusiast­s and skygazers made for high-rise buildings, rooftops, beaches and mountains in an attempt to get the best views of the supermoon. The impressive sight takes place when a full moon comes closest to Earth. As the moon reaches a point in its orbit where it is located extremely close to Earth, a supermoon is born. Scientific­ally named perigee-syzygy, the last time we saw a supermoon was in the September of 2015. The supermoon that appeared last night is reported to be the largest since 1948. Next time we can witness such a spectacle will be November 25, 2043 — another 27 years. Till then our quest and curiosity around space and celestial bodies continues.

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