Khaleej Times

Nihao! China firms lead smartphone growth


washington — Chinese manufactur­ers are driving growth in the smartphone market as sector leaders Samsung and Apple sputter, a survey showed.

The survey by Gartner showed that in the third quarter, three Chinese vendors — Huawei, Oppo and BBK Communicat­ion Equipment — together accounted for 21 per cent of the smartphone­s sold worldwide, and were the only vendors in the top five to increase sales.

“Sales of smartphone­s in China grew by 12.4 per cent, and the vendors who most successful­ly exploited the sales opportunit­ies there were Oppo and BBK,” said Gartner analyst Anshul Gupta.

“In Oppo’s case, 81 per cent of its smartphone sales came from China, while BBK accounted for 89 per cent of smartphone­s sales in China. These two vendors also grew strongly in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Russia.”

Gartner’s survey confirmed other reports showing Samsung and Apple at the top of the global market but with slipping sales.

The research firm said Samsung’s market share dropped to 19.2 per cent amid the fiasco over its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone­s, which were recalled and then halted after overheatin­g batteries leading to fires.

“The decision to withdraw the Galaxy Note 7 was correct, but the damage to Samsung’s brand will make it harder for the company to increase its smartphone sales in the short term,” said Gupta.

Apple’s share dropped to 11.5 per cent as the iPhone maker failed to get much benefit from Samsung’s woes, Gartner said. —

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