Khaleej Times

Experts to scan Tillerson’s record

- Reuters

washington — US Senate Democrats plan to enlist accountant­s and legal experts to pore through the business records of Exxon Mobil Chief Executive Rex Tillerson, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state, Democratic aides said.

Tillerson could face a rocky confirmati­on process, given concerns among both Democrats and Republican­s about his ties to Russia. If Tillerson can overcome the scepticism of Republican­s, he could win confirmati­on since their party will control a slim majority in the Senate when Trump takes office on January 20.

Democrats’ misgivings about Tillerson go well beyond the worry that he might be too accommodat­ing towards Moscow. They see risks of conflicts if the head of the $380 billion oil giant becomes the nation’s top diplomat and they want to ensure that his personal wealth and business interests get close scrutiny.

Aides said Democrats began assembling experts to prepare for Tillerson’s confirmati­on even before his nomination was formally announced on Tuesday.

“We will bring in people who have been through confirmati­on battles before,” a Democratic leadership aide said. “We want to have a very thorough review. We are very comfortabl­e with this process taking as long as it needs.”

In many ways, Exxon operates its own kind of diplomatic corps, despatchin­g executives to network with government officials in the more than 40 countries in which the company operates.

“The scale and the reach of Exxon Mobil does raise some questions about those relationsh­ips and how his experience at the helm of Exxon Mobil will influence his decision-making as secretary,” said Democratic Senator Chris Coons, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which will hold Tillerson’s confirmati­on hearing next month.

Tillerson, 64, is on the New York Times’ list of the 200 highest-paid CEOs, having earned some $24.3 million in 2016. He has a net worth of $150 million, plus a $70 million pension plan. He would likely need to divest his holdings of Exxon stock. Democrats are also consulting with foreign affairs experts as they examine his relationsh­ips with countries such as Russia. —

 ?? AP file ?? Vladimir Putin and Rex Tillerson smile during a signing ceremony in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, in 2011. —
AP file Vladimir Putin and Rex Tillerson smile during a signing ceremony in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, in 2011. —

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