Khaleej Times



washington — President Donald Trump’s sweeping ban on people seeking refuge in the United States and visitors from seven Muslim countries caused confusion and panic among travellers on Saturday, with some turned back from US-bound flights.

The new Republican president on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporaril­y barred travellers from Syria and six other Muslim countries. He said the moves would protect Americans from terrorism.

The executive order prompted fury from Arab travellers in the Middle East and North Africa who said it was humiliatin­g and discrimina­tory. It drew widespread criticism from US Western allies including France and Germany, Arab American groups, human rights organisati­ons.

“This is a stupid, terrible decision which will hurt the American people more than us or anybody else, because it shows that this President can’t manage people, politics or global relationsh­ips,” said Najeed Haidari, a YemeniAmer­ican security manager for an oil company in the Yemeni capital Sanaa.

The bans affect travellers with passports from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen and even extends to green card holders who are granted authorisat­ion to live and work in the United States, according to a Department of Homeland Security spokeswoma­n.

In Cairo, five Iraqi passengers and one Yemeni were barred from boarding an EgyptAir flight to New York on Saturday, sources at Cairo airport said.

Fariba, an Iranian-American who declined to give her family name and lives in New Jersey, said her parents would not be able to fulfil plans to visit her to celebrate the Iranian New Year in March.

“This is an unfair decision. What is our sin? What have we done to deserve such a ban? Iranians have never been involved in terrorist acts in the USA,” she said.

“This ban will ruin our lives. Thank you Mr. President. Are you making America great by hurting innocent people?”

The passengers, arriving in transit to Cairo airport, were stopped and re-directed to flights headed for their home countries despite holding valid visas, the sources said.

Customs and border patrol agents at many airports were unaware of the executive order early on in the evening, said Mana Yegani, an immigratio­n lawyer in Houston, who works with the American Immigratio­n Lawyers Associatio­n. Yegani and her fellow lawyers worked through the night fielding calls from travelers with student and worker visas who were being denied entry into the United States and ordered on flights back to Muslim countries on the list.

Green card holders were also being stopped and questioned for several hours. Officials also denied travelers with dual Canadian and Iranian citizenshi­p from boarding planes in Canada that were headed the US, she said. “These are people that are coming in legally. They have jobs here and they have vehicles here,” Yegani said.

Those with visas from Muslimmajo­rity countries have gone through background checks with US authoritie­s, Yegani noted.

“Just because Trump signed something at 6pm yesterday, things are coming to a crashing halt,” she said. “It’s scary.”

Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway reaffirmed the president’s decision in a Twitter post on Saturday. “@POTUS is a man of action and impact. Promises made, promises kept. Shock to the system. And he’s just getting started,” she tweeted.—

They shouldn’t be very worried. They are here illegally. They shouldn’t be very worried. I do have a big heart. We’re going to take care of everybody. We’re going to have a very strong border. Donald Trump US President

 ?? AP ?? Ammar Sawan, 40, (centre), looks at the youngest of his four children, Sham, 1, in Amman, Jordan. The family took their first step towards resettleme­nt in the US three months ago, submitting to an initial round of security screenings. Now his dreams of...
AP Ammar Sawan, 40, (centre), looks at the youngest of his four children, Sham, 1, in Amman, Jordan. The family took their first step towards resettleme­nt in the US three months ago, submitting to an initial round of security screenings. Now his dreams of...

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