Khaleej Times

French ex-president Sarkozy to face trial


paris — Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy is to face trial on charges of illegally financing his failed 2012 re-election bid, causing more trouble for the country’s rightwing Republican­s party.

The prosecutio­n claims Sarkozy spent nearly double the legal limit of €22.5 million euros ($24m) on his lavish campaign, using false billing from a public relations firm called Bygmalion.

A legal source said on Tuesday that one of two investigat­ing magistrate­s in charge of the case, Serge Tournaire, had decided on February 3 that the case should go to trial.

Sarkozy’s lawyer announced plans to appeal the decision.

Bygmalion charged €15.2 million in campaign events to Sarkozy’s rightwing party — which at the time was called the UMP, but has since been renamed the Republican­s — instead of billing the president’s campaign.

The affair came to light in 2014 but investigat­ors have yet to determine who ordered the fraud.

Sarkozy, who failed in a presidenti­al comeback bid last year, told investigat­ors last year he knew nothing about the billing and put the responsibi­lity squarely on Bygmalion and the UMP.

Only one other president — Jacques Chirac — has been tried in France’s Fifth Republic, which was founded in 1958. He was give a twoyear suspended jail term in 2011 over a fake job scandal.

News of the trial comes as the Republican­s’ candidate for this year’s presidenti­al election, Francois Fillon, faces his own scandal over parliament­ary jobs for his family.

Fillon apologised on Monday for employing his wife over 15 years as an aide — which is legal — but continued to deny the more serious allegation­s that she barely worked for her average monthly salary of around €3,700.

The son of a Hungarian immigrant father, Sarkozy was nicknamed the “bling-bling” president for his flashy displays of wealth.

His trial will focus on whether he himself caused the over-spending in 2012 by demanding that additional rallies be organised towards fine and a year in prison will be handed to sarkozy

if convicted the end of his campaign, even though they were bound to blow the budget.

The judicial source said he was accused of having ignored two warnings from advisors in March and April 2012 about his spending, which came to “at least €42.8 million”.

The divisive 62-year-old rightwinge­r faces up to a year in a prison and a fine of €3,750 if convicted.

He could yet be spared trial, however, given that the second investigat­ing magistrate in the case disagreed that Sarkozy be put in the dock.

Thirteen other people will be tried alongside him on charges ranging from fraud to illegal campaign financing, including Bygmalion’s management and Jerome Lavrilleux, deputy manager of Sarkozy’s lavish 2012 campaign.

Lavrilleux and Bygmalion executives have acknowledg­ed the existence of fraud and false accounting.

While the so-called Bygmalion case is the most pressing, Sarkozy has been fighting legal problems on several fronts. —

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